Jimmy & Joe
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 15, 2024
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The parallels between Jimmy Carter in January 1980 and Joe Biden 44 years later are spooky. Let's take a look.

President Carter could not get inflation under control, and his energy policies led to long lines at gas stations.

Under President Biden, prices for the essentials of life have risen 17 percent, a gallon of gas costs twice what it did.

Iran taunted Carter by holding 52 Americans hostage in Tehran for more than a year.

Today, Iranian surrogates cause massive damage in the Middle East.

Billy Carter, the President's brother, accepted $220,000 from Libya to "lobby." That would be close to a million dollars today.

We all know about Hunter Biden, who makes Billy look like a common pickpocket.

The national media continued to support Carter despite his dubious record because they loathed Ronald Reagan's conservative posture.

In 2024, the press remains solidly in President Biden's camp.

Reagan, of course, waxed Carter, leading to years of prosperity for the country. Jimmy was bitter when he left the White House, but history shows the voters made the correct choice, sending him back to Georgia.

This year, the nation is reliving 1980.

It's like a Time Machine.

See you this evening for the No Spin News.