Mobbed Up
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 30, 2020
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Mobbed Up
You know President Trump scored some points at the Republican convention by the way his media enemies attacked after his nomination speech ended.  Almost instantly, an after-party hate buffet was served up by CNN and NBC News but it amounted to little.  By 11:30 on Thursday night only Trump supporters were still watching.  Most of the resistance had gladly entered the land of nod.
Did you notice that the President barely mentioned the media in his 70 minute address?   It was amazing.  He disciplined himself to lay off Morning Joe and the other Trump-loathing zombies.  Who knew the President could actually do that?
The reason the media was not scolded as usual is that Donald Trump had more important points to make.  So the fun-bunch press people receded for the moment in his mind.
There are two simple issues that could win Mr. Trump re-election.  First, that he is the candidate that can best reignite the economy when Covid finally subsides.  And second, that he will smash the radical left “mob” and Joe Biden will not.
Voters with weak attention spans can understand those things without repetition. And folks who don’t pay much attention to politics will decide the election.  There are legions of them.
Donald Trump helped himself at the convention but angry, rampaging fanatics helped him more.  Most Americans understand that police need stronger standards on using lethal force, but they despise the lawless conduct currently on display.
You are not going to win hearts and minds by threatening Senator Rand Paul and his wife as they walk home from the White House.  You will not hurt President Trump by terrorizing restaurant diners.
Joe Biden looks weak on the radical issue even as Mr. Trump makes it a centerpiece of his campaign.
The truth is that the more threatening radical leftists become, the more likely it will be that President Trump and senate Republicans will prevail in November.
The backlash against radicalism is already on display.  Let’s take the National Basketball Association for example. Players in the league are actively participating in the protest movement right now.  And some of them are aligning themselves with the Black Lives Matter movement.  Big economic mistake.
The BLM leadership is Marxist and destructive.  It condones violent protests and seeks to destroy police authority.  So, how much is that Laker jersey?
Millions of Americans disagree with BLM tactics and will not watch or support organizations that embrace violent chaos. Someone tell ESPN.
History is a fluid thing.  Weeks ago, it looked bleak for Mr. Trump.  Covid, unemployment, schools struggling to reopen, racial tension, I mean who could get re-elected with all that?
But things are changing fast.  And will change again and again before November 3. Both Trump and Biden are caught in a swirl of unpredictability.
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