OPEN TO ALL - O'Reilly on James Comey, the Hate-Trump Media, & an Extended Interview with Joe diGenova
By: Bill O'ReillyApril 16, 2018
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All right. So everybody is talking about the Comey interview last night about 10 million Americans watched it, Country Music Awards beat it in the ratings but ten million that is a good, a good amount of people watching 20/20. And Comey came across as you know a little petty, obviously despises President Trump for firing him. What I learned about the, from the interview was how political the Comey family is, his wife, his daughters, big Hillary Clinton supporters and I didn't know that. And also, we knew this last week that the FBI director did not inform President Trump at the time, they were talking about the dossier that Hillary Clinton's people had paid for part of it. And when asked why didn't you do that, that's a headline, and it seems to me any FBI Director, reporting to the President of the United States, that his political opponent paid for smear stuff, would have mentioned it, I mean and Comey had no answer. Now, you can draw your own conclusions from that, I'm not in the business of speculating as you know. But I think we know a little bit more about James Comey today than we did on Friday and I think he is a person who is angry and this book is personal. 

Now, if you read my Message of the Day and I hope you did, there's a couple of things going forward and that's what I want to do tonight that are vital.

So, the first one is that of James Comey knew of any evidence that Donald Trump colluded with Russians during the campaign, he would have insinuated that, by innuendo that would have been out, it would have been written in his book and it would have been said to George Stephanopoulos, none of that was said. Now, Comey would have done it, you can do it in a number of different ways. What Comey has done, is implied that Trump may be frightened of Putin and he goes back to my interview on Super Bowl Sunday '17, with President Trump talking about Putin. We'll do that tomorrow, it's kind of a sideline, but Comey did not say or imply in any way that the FBI had found any evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded directly with the Russians. That is very, very important. 

The second thing and this is really astounding. Why isn't the Justice Department's Inspector General's report on Comey out? So, they drop it, The Justice Department drops it late Friday afternoon, the fact that the assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe lied four times. Why are you putting it out on late Friday afternoon, Attorney General Sessions? Why? Why didn't you hold it until Monday? You knew, the Comey interview was going to be on Sunday. You could've held that report until Monday and at least say, competing scenarios. No, Sessions puts it out on Friday afternoon. That tells me Sessions is no friend to Donald Trump and if the Inspector General of the Justice Department crushes Comey in his report which he could, I'm not going to speculate because I don't know but it's possible, investigating Hillary Clinton e-mail and the collusion, Comey is done, his book evaporates, he evaporates. So, where's the report? It's finished. They put out part of it, on McCabe on Friday afternoon. Where's the rest of it, Attorney General Jeff Sessions? I'm asking you. So, Donald Trump ought to know that he does not have a friend running the Justice Department. OK. That's number two. 

Three is, and this is down the line, but it's still very, very important. Future presidential discussions. Anyone who gets elected president now, has got to be ultra careful, I'd tape everything if I were president, in talking to any law enforcement officials that work for you, any Cabinet members because if you fire them they'll write a book and smash you, trash you. So, there's no more confidential discussions, I mean the FBI chief shouldn't be writing this in a book, at least not now. This just shatters the ability of a president to get information on a one on one basis. Now, you got a tape stuff, you have to have people there and all over the place. All right. 

That's Comey, nothing big on Comey, it's Trump is the devil and I'm a good guy, that's Comey. But this is very important and I have a really, really good guest coming up to address this. President Trump's personal assistant Michael Cohen, personal attorney, I should say not assistant, personal attorney Michael Cohen, is in the middle of a giant court battle because the FBI raided his office and his home, took all kinds of documents. Now, President Trump is furious, Cohen is furious, saying this is against attorney client privilege and already a California man not associated with Russian collusion or anything else has been outed by a leak and his life has been harmed tremendously, a man that was dealing with Michael Cohen, as his lawyer. So, the raiders got this guy in California's stuff and leaked it. He's a big Republican fundraiser, it was about a woman and a payment. All of a sudden, this guy thought he had a confidential agreement, then bang it's out in the press. This is really serious, if the FBI or the Justice Department go into any lawyer’s office, get all the stuff and then leak it to the press and then nobody has any protections about anything. All right. I mean this is so bad. 

Then the McClatchy news service reports that an anonymous source tells it that Michael Cohen did indeed go to Prague a few months before the election and met with Russians, McClatchy prints it! If that's true and Councilor Cohen denies it all day long, then everything changes because you can't have the President's personal lawyer, secretly going to Prague and lying about it, a few months before the election. You can't have it. So, that is huge, but I will note, I will tell you, that McClatchy report, very little pickup, very little pick up and as I said on Friday if that report is bogus if that anonymous source lied to McClatchy, McClatchy has got to tell us who it is. That's the rule, OK so put up or shut up McClatchy. Cohen says he wasn't there, apparently Interpol doesn't know he was there and they know everybody in a, on a continent. So, what are you got? But if Cohen did lie about this, game changer, game change. 

Now, President Trump, President Trump's response to all of this, Comey and Cohen and Mueller and is not disciplined enough. All right. Calling Comey sleaze oyd, or whatever he called him. It's not where you want to go. All right. You want to have your attorneys in very, very strong legal language, lay out your case and lay out the national security implications, do you realize the President the United States has had one day since he's been in office where he has, his attention hasn't been diverted by charges of collusion or porn people, not one day, not one day. He's supposed to be representing we the people, working on the economy, working to protect us working to improve the world and hasn't had one day, it is every single day. So, now I mean if President Trump gets the message on this newscast tonight, you got to be disciplined in your tweets now. Very, very fine exact statements. Name calling, we are way beyond that. 

Let's bring in Joe diGenova, he was being considered to represent President Trump in all of this, he comes to us from Maryland. 

Now, you consistently have defended the President here, I want to start with Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller referred to the FBI, certain information that allowed it to get a warrant to raid Michael Cohen's office, did Robert Mueller, in your opinion do anything wrong? 

"Well, I don't think legally or ethically he did, he got rid of a matter that according to him and to the department was unrelated to the Russian collusion investigation and he has the authority if he discoveries activity which he believes involves a crime, to refer to the appropriate U.S. attorney's office and from the pleadings in the case which the government filed, they say that they have been conducting a month’s long investigation of Mr. Cohen, they say that many of the people that he works for are not legal clients and they revealed something startling that they have had him under electronic surveillance for months, including his e-mails. So, whatever they've got up there I agree with you, Bill, it's potentially very, very dangerous for everybody involved. 


So, the federal government the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan, has been tapping Trump's personal lawyer and convinced the judge, that they have enough evidence that he did something wrong, illegal, that the judge signed a warrant that they could go in and take everything. But then within 12 hours, a man not associated with any of this, has his life trashed because somebody leaked something to the press. 


Would a judge take that into account when deciding if the federal government had overstepped its bounds? 

"No, a judge would not, they would look at the four corners of the affidavit in support of the search warrant and determine whether or not it was proper. They might impose some sanctions however, in the case for trashing this individual, there probably will be a leak investigation conducted, conducted by the main justice of that and there can be sanctions against the person responsible for that, including being fired just like McCabe was he was fired for leaking information about a case of. The answer is it won't affect the search warrant but it might get somebody fired." 

All right, but it is way, way down the line. 


Now, you've been critical of Mueller, you've been critical of Robert Mueller. So, we hear the left primarily, saying well you're a former FBI agent, he's a patriot, he's a honest man. He's conducting investigation that is vital for the welfare of the country. You don't see it that way? 

"No, I do not. First of all, the real culprit here is Rod Rosenstein, who appointed a special counsel where the law did not one, did not require one to be appointed, there was no basic crime, there was no criminal activity that Rosenstein identified yet. He appointed a special counsel as acting attorney general, and gave him a broad mandate, which did not describe any crime that had been committed. Mueller, once he discovered, once Mueller discovered that there was no Russian collusion he should have shut down, he chose not to. My question is why did Mueller not choose not to shut down, when he had no reason to continue the investigation into the Russian aspect of this. And the answer to that is I believe that Mueller and Rosenstein do not like Trump. I believe there's a personal animus, I believe that they are anti-Trumper's and I believe that they want him removed from office and I believe Rosenstein is in that crowd."

So, that extends to Comey as well, because Comey and Mueller are friends and Comey, I guess, I don't know for a fact but I guess Rosenstein and Comey, are friends but I know Mueller and Comey are. Did it strike you as it struck me that in this five hour interview with ABC Comey did not say that he came up with any evidence about Russian collusion and the Trump campaign, he didn't saw. 

"Absolutely, yes. It was, it was startling that he never volunteered anything getting insinuate anything as you indicated in your earlier opening monologue. That is another reason why the continuation of this investigation into other areas is really outrageous, for the very reasons you gave during your monologue, Bill. They have stolen 15 months of Mr Trump's presidency, not a day has passed when he has been diverted from his official responsibilities to the American people, by this outrageous investigation. That is a shame and it is something the American people need to think awfully deeply about and I believe in Rod Rosenstein for this entire thing, plus Jeff Sessions, he never should have accepted the attorney general's slot knowing he would have to recuse himself.". 

Do you agree with me, that it is very strange that Attorney General Sessions has not released the Inspector General's report on Comey because that's what he was investigating, Comey and how the FBI looked at Hillary Clinton's emails and Russian collusion? Yet that's still not released and Sessions knows Comey is running all over the country kicking the hell out of Donald Trump. 

"The only reason I can think of for not releasing it and it's the only one I can think of, is that they wanted to see with Comey had to say in his book, and in his interview with ABC. Other than that, it should be released immediately because the American people have a right to know whether or not the firing of Comey was not only justified but that he basically took a dive in the Hillary Clinton case and remains, as far as I'm concerned, America's dirtiest cop." 

Now, really that's a strong statement, Joe. 

"Yes, it is." 

I mean Comey has served this country for decades and you're calling him a corrupt man. 

"I am."

Now, you got to back it up. Why do you believe James Comey is corrupt? 

"Because Bill, I've been a prosecutor a U.S. attorney and independent counsel and a special counsel to the House of Representatives. When Comey says that no reasonable prosecutor would have brought a case against Hillary Clinton, he is lying, he is absolutely wrong. The case against Hillary Clinton was a case that should have been presented to a grand jury, there should have been search warrants, there should have been subpoenas, there should have been an indictment. In fact, anybody with an ounce of brains who's worked at the Department of Justice, knows that Hillary Clinton broke the law and everybody knows that James Comey purposely threw the case to protect her and what you said earlier about the Comey family's political interest in Hillary Clinton makes it abundantly clear that Mr. Comey acted for political reasons and I think he'd besmirched his office, and I think he'd besmirched the Department of Justice, and that's why I call him a dirty cop." 

"Why then would he four days before the vote come out and say we're reopening the case, we found new stuff that Hillary Clinton may have done, why would you do that? 

"I think you are dealing with one of the most bizarre troubled individuals who has ever held the FBI director's office, just think about it, Bill. Can you picture William Webster or Louis Freeh going on television the way he did last night and saying the things that he said about a president of the United States? He has, as you said in your monologue probably for many years to come, destroyed the relationship between any president and the FBI. What a horrible, horrible thing for him to have done. That's just part of the, see this animus that he has for President Trump affected his judgment, he didn't want Trump to be President. And I had believed for two years or more, that there was a plot a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally and if she'd lost to frame Donald Trump with a crime, every single thing we've seen plays out that theory.". 

But you didn't answer my question, why then would he go four days before the vote and raise the possibility that Hillary Clinton did do something wrong in the e-mails, when he had exonerated her from legal repercussions in July. Why would he bring it back four days before the vote if he wanted her to win and wanted Trump out of the picture? 

"I think that's a very good question and again as I said earlier and I apologize if I wasn't clear. I think James Comey is one of the strangest people ever to hold that office and I can't get into his head, he thinks he can get into the President's head, I can't get into his head, I don't know why did that, maybe he didn't know what to do. Here's what he should have done, he didn't have to send a letter to the House of Representatives because in fact he lied, he never promised them, that he would tell them if he had to take a look at new evidence. He could have examined that in private and never sent that letter, in late October and as it shows he never should have sent that letter saying he was reopening it. It's bizarre, I mean it's all about him. Remember everything that he did was about himself, if you look at that interview last night it is the most self-absorbed, self-indulgent interview I have ever seen. I found it absolutely bizarre and frightening that someone with that brain was the head of the FBI.". 

What role does the hate Trump media which is about 80 percent of the national press, what role do they play in emboldening people like Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey? 

"They are enablers. They are causing this because they want to cause it. This mainstream media loved Hillary Clinton, they wanted her to be president, they hated Donald Trump. And all you have to do is look at the videos of election night and see the crescent fallen faces, the literal tears from some of the people on the set, who couldn't believe when the President took Pennsylvanian that it was over. There is an animus toward this President in the mainstream media that no politician in this country has ever suffered from." 

Last question, I say that if Michael Cohen did go to Prague and lied about it consistently and did meet with Russians that Donald Trump, I don't think is going to survive that. What do you say? 

"I think he can survive it but I think it will be a very serious development because if Michael Cohen went to Prague, lied about it I don't know how he got into the country without anybody knowing that would be really strange, but if he did and he lied about it, it's most assuredly serious for him from a public relations standpoint. We don't know what it means for the President but it wouldn't be good." 

No and at this point Donald Trump can't fire Robert Mueller, I think he could dismiss Rosenstein if the IG report comes down on Rosenstein. 

"Well, Rosenstein shouldn't be in this at all, he's conflicted. He wrote the letter dismissing Comey, he was a witness to conversations with the President and with Comey, what in the world is he doing in this case? He shouldn't be supervising Mueller at all it should be somebody else, he's terribly conflicted in this matter." 

Do you think that the Attorney General Sessions is looking out for Donald Trump at this point? 

"You know what, I don't think so and I don't think he knows what to do. I think Jeff Sessions, God bless him, I've known him since the 1980s when we were U.S. attorneys together and I love the guy but he seems to be out of his element and not knowing what to do and it's pretty clear he loves giving speeches and he's pretty good at it. But if I were the President, I mean I just don't see what he's doing to help out the situation." 

Why would he release the McCabe stuff on Friday afternoon? Why? Why would you do that and not hold it to Monday when you know you'll have competing narratives against Comey? Why would you do that? 

"I agree with you, I would I would have done it on Monday, but maybe by some bizarre twist of logic they thought if they got it out before Comey's interview it might counter some of the things that he was saying." 

But it was already done, it was already done. 

Stephanopoulos had already taped it, he couldn't ask any questions about it. It just doesn't stack that. 

"I would not have done it, I would have waited."

Do you think President Trump survives all this? Because I don't think it's going away. 

"It's not going to go away but he will survive and that's because the American people eventually, and his poll numbers are now coming up above 51 percent. He will survive because the American people will not tolerate a coup d’état, which this is." 

All right Joe, we really appreciate your time, I know how busy you are and it's very nice of you to help us out. Thank you. 

"Thank you, Bill, great to be on." 

Thank you. 

All right let's go to Syria real quickly. Looks like the strikes against the Assad regime on the chemical plants were successful. We don't know whether there's going to be any more action against Assad or Putin. There's some rumblings that the USA might slap more sanctions on Putin. At this point if I had a bet I'd say Trump won't do that. But whatever. 

Now, tomorrow on this broadcast we are going to have a report on my interview with Trump and how James Comey used that with George Stephanopoulos. Now, ABC did not play that part of the interview, we will show it to you and discuss the implications. 

In Virginia Thomas Jefferson's statue on his 275th birthday was defiled and vandalized. All right the University of Virginia says it's disappointed in the action but didn't condemn it and Thomas Jefferson under fire, he was a slave owner as you know, evidence says he did have an affair with Sally Hemings, who was an affair bore some children and that now is becoming the legacy of Thomas Jefferson, not that he forged the Constitution along with James Madison or any of that. So, the anti-American militants trying to besmirch Jefferson. This is a campaign read Killing England and you'll know the true character of Thomas Jefferson, and we don't sugar coat anything, as you know. 

Barbara Bush, not doing well congestive heart failure. I spent some time with Mrs. Bush a few years back helping her with her literacy program in Florida, while her son was governor of the state. Very intelligent woman, loves her country. I can't say enough things, she's 92 years old been married to George H.W. Bush for 73 years. They got married in 1945. So, Barbara Bush a tremendous patriot, our best and our prayers to the Bush family, as she experiences her last days. OK. 

Some mail and tomorrow's mail should be interesting. 

This is Lisa on the message board.

"Perhaps the inspector general's report released Friday afternoon because it was known President Trump would be addressing the nation later that evening about the bombing of Syria. What's your take?"

This is from Lisa Rosati. Montreal, Canada. 

You know I don't know, I don't know why it was released Friday afternoon, it just was not the best time for it, Lisa. I don't think it had anything to do with Syria though. 

Parker Nathan on the message boards. 

"Thank you for taking time out on Saturday for a solid analysis on Syria and the Cohen raid. Your commentary is spot on, I haven't found anything on network a cable news to match." 

Parker, I appreciate that, the commentary we did on Saturday special is posted. Everybody can see it. It's well worth watching, I think. 


"Thank you very much for the special Saturday podcast. Soon as I heard we attack Syria went to I'm thankful to read you because you are the only source of news for me and I'm grateful to have you." 

Well thank you, Stephen, I appreciate that. 


"Bill, we didn't hear this story about Michael Cohen going to Russia, didn't we hear, didn't we hear the story about Michael Cohen going to Russia several months ago. I thought he disputed this story then?" 

He did. But now McClatchy News Service is saying, sources say he lied. That's why it's back in the news. 

Thomas Volkcar. 

"If Michael Cohen in Prague story is true and it obviously isn't proven yet, with no second amendment protection attached to a lie who's supposed to go after publication and the leaker?" 

Well the government should go after leaker, McClatchey, I'll go after him, I mean not go after him but I'll hold him accountable, I want to know the source was if it's a lie. So, I'll do it. But other people should do it too, but they don't care because if Cohen didn't go to Prague it helps Trump.

Wallace Baker. Indianapolis. 

"Bill, you mentioned that Michael Cohen, if he did indeed visit Prague that it's over for Donald Trump, is there a federal law against visiting Prague?" 

Come on Wallace, you know. Michael Cohen and Trump are like this. Now, if Cohen lied about going to Prague to meet with Russians and Trump didn't know it. All right, I guess it's possible but that opens up unbelievable doors where there'd have to be subpoenas and testimony under oath and what a disaster that would be, if Mr. Cohen did not tell the truth, it's a disaster for President Trump. 

Paul McDonald. Sparks, Nevada. 

"Should I be shocked, Comey's personal ideology influenced his decision making?" 

No human beings are human beings. I mean I try to be as fair as humanly possible here. And I tried to tell you everything we know and how we know it. But am I surprised James Comey is who he is? No, I'm not. 

Teresa Wilkes. Sunset Beach, California. 

"Bill. I remember the last time we had a special prosecutor during the Clinton administration. This country was so sidetracked and damaged and then 9/11 happened." 

Good point. Making a good point, Teresa. Because you know Donald Trump's attention is divided here. 

Doug, Dr. Doug Freidrich. Carle Place, New York, out on Long Island. 

"Now that the Justice Department has metaphorically declared war on President Trump, why can't negate their weaponizing by pardoning Flynn Manafort and Cohen?" 

He can, but it will create more turbulence. And you know but I think Donald Trump may pardon some people. 

Rebecca Lennox. Camas, Washington. 

"After you're hearing you mention your 2000 book Culture Warrior, I ordered it from Amazon. I finished reading it today was blown away at the accuracy of your analysis and predictions 12 years ago." 

Culture Warrior, I did lay it out for you, the only thing I didn't know was that they would come after me. I didn't know that, I wish I had. 

Antonio Esparza. Huntington Beach, California. 

"Looking out for the folks proved again this weekend with your podcast Bill. Another reason why I am a Premium Member.". 

Spread the word Antonio. OK we have lots of lots of new Premium Members. We want you guys to spread the word and this is the place. That interview with Joe DiGenova, you're not going to see that anywhere else, not like that. 

Next Saturday, this coming Saturday, I'll be in Washington D.C. at the Trump Hotel doing a benefit for FLAG. All right. This is a new organization, brand new that brings history to the urchins, to America's children. Very, very worthy. All right so come, I'll do the keynote address, and come see me if you're in the area, it'll be a good night. 

Take your country back bumper stickers, we've got them for you. No Spin Mom mugs, Mother's Day, we got them for you. Then No Spin Dad for Father's Day. They're beautiful mugs, I love them. 

Old School and Killing Jesus together, two books 15 bucks and I'll sign Old School for you if you order it, free, what a guy. All right. 

OK I hope you enjoyed the podcast. We get a busy, busy week, tomorrow we'll give you the Comey interview they did not show on ABC that pertains to us, directly. So, thanks for being Premium Members and we'll see you then.

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