O'Reilly on Hannity: The Disturbing Democratic Debate; Fascism. Embraced by the Twitter Mob and the Week of Impeachment Ahead
By: BOR.com StaffJanuary 15, 2020
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Bill O’Reilly joins Sean Hannity to discuss the hot topics of the week—leading with the disastrous Democratic debate. Bill O’Reilly details the most disturbing part of the debate—it involves Bernie Sanders and ISIS.

“I’m saying to myself, am I supposed to vote for a President of the United States who would pull all U.S. troops out of the Middle East, therefore allowing ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, everybody to do exactly what they wanted to do to the World—am I supposed to vote for somebody like this?”

Plus, a look at the Twitter mob’s latest victim and why the growing acceptance of fascism should concern all Americans. O’Reilly lays out this danger stating, “The fact that we are living in a country where fascism is now embraced by thousands of people on the Twitter –you say something they don’t like you don’t work anymore.”

O’Reilly and Hannity conclude with the China Trade deal and impeachment—the due lay out why this is all helping President Trump going into the 2020 election.
