On 'White Privilege'
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 2, 2020
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Part of the difficult racial situation we have in this country is the concept of “white privilege,” where Caucasian-Americans are supposed to have societal advantages because of their skin color.
Some dismiss this liberal theory outright but that might be a mistake.  The truth is that the pursuit of happiness is more difficult for persons of color than for the white majority. The vital question is why.
The tremendous success of Barack and Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Lester Holt, Andrew Young, Colin Powell and thousands of other African-Americans is proof that skin color is not a primary indicator of success or failure.  But the people I mentioned each have something in common: they worked hard, embraced learning, and obeyed society’s mandates.
However, they certainly had to overcome a lot in their personal lives.  President Obama’s father abandoned him.  Oprah’s young life was dangerously chaotic. 
But each made a personal decision to strive to reach their potentials.  That decision had nothing to do with “white privilege.”  It had to do with ambition and achievement.
African-Americans often come from impoverished situations.  But many white people do, too.  It’s the life dice roll.  But America does provide a way out and it has nothing to do with a hand out.  There is tremendous opportunity in this country if you will vigorously pursue it.
However, rejecting education and embracing destructive lifestyles will surely condemn you to a life of frustration.  That’s what should be emphasized, not someone else’s complexion which has nothing to do with your success or failure.
Let’s stop the nonsense and tell the truth.
Tonight on the No Spin News, more truth about race, politics, and the pandemic.  See you beginning at six eastern.