President Trump's SOTU
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 6, 2019
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President Trump gave the longest State of the Union speech since Bill Clinton in 2000 but he did himself some good.  His tone was mostly conciliatory towards the democrats, only becoming confrontational on the border wall and late term abortion.
Americans watching the speech saw a fact-based presentation that left little room for snarky attacks.  Yes, you can disagree and/or dislike Mr. Trump but he has accomplished some positive things especially with the economy.
But Stacey Abrams doesn’t think so.  In her response on behalf of the Democratic Party she told the nation the economy was essentially bad, that voter suppression is a major problem, and that “reproductive justice” is a winning issue for democrats in the face of the infanticide controversy.
To be kind, Ms. Abram’s speech was mystifying.
It’s all politics of course.  But Trump won last night and Nancy and her crew lost even though the Dems don’t think so. We’ll have much more on this tonight on the No Spin News beginning at 7 eastern time.  Hope to see you then.