Racism and Radicalism; Eddie Scarry gives a Firsthand Account of Border Conditions
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 17, 2019
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Hey Bill O'Reilly.com Premium Members and welcome to the No Spin News on Wednesday July 17th, 2019. Take Your Country Back.

 So this is a fascinating story and I think we are going to give you coverage tonight you're gonna get nowhere else. I do want to give you a heads up that I was on the radio with Sean Hannity today. We have it posted on a Web site. That's something I think you want to hear because it supplements what I'm going to tell you now. 

 All right. So the House of Representatives voted 240 to 187 almost along party lines. To condemn Donald Trump's racist comments about four democratic congresswomen. You remember the comments were that Trump doesn't like the fact that these four ladies are criticizing the United States and in some cases misleading, lying about the country. He suggested that they might want to go back to their ancestral homelands, sort the problems out in those countries and then come back here to give him advice. Sarcastic Tweet. In one case it was the birth homeland, Somalia for Congresswoman Omar.

 All right. So that tweet goes out and immediately the four women, who define themselves as quote unquote "of color" say you're racist. You criticize us, tell us to go back to our countries, you're racist. As I said yesterday, you can decide whether that is a racist remark or not. It's clear to see in his tweet what the president said and I'm sure there are millions of Americans who say he is not a racist and millions who say he is. I mean that's up to you. But what you do not hear and you do not get all right, is the reason that Donald Trump Tweeted what he Tweeted and that's what I'm going to give you right now.

 So let's up first with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the leader of the four radicals. She has captured the attention of the media. As I told you, I believe she will be on The View in four years. The House of Representatives just a stepping stone for her start up. Now this is what she says about the migrant chaos on the southern border. Go.


 "This is not just about the immigrant communities being held in concentration camps being a crisis. This is a crisis for ourselves. This is a crisis on if America will remain America in its actual principles and values. Or if we are losing to an authoritarian and fascist presidency.".


 OK. That's about as extreme as you can get and as you know that she was called out on the concentration camp thing. I am not going to go over it again. But I'm going to tell you that she is not an accurate representative of the truth. She is not.The second one is Omar, OK. Ilana Omar, she is an immigrant. Born in Somalia. Perhaps the most chaotic country on the face of the earth. Anyway, she does not like Israel or America for supporting Israel and a bunch of other things. She says quote "Israel has hypnotized the world. May Al Lah outlaw awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." And then in response to a Tweet from a journalists, she says "it's all about the Benjamins baby". Implying that Israel bribes the United States or the United States helps Israel for money, whatever. Again she was criticized being anti-Semitic. I'm ever going to call her anti-Semitic. I will say she's anti-Israel and I'll say she's about as far left as you can get. The third one is a Rashida. OK and Tlaib is basically is a person who thinks the Palestinians are on the same level as the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. Roll that tape.


 "When I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians who lost their land and some lost their lives. Their livelihood and the human dignity, their existence in many ways had been wiped out."


 So the Holocaust led for the Palestinian oppression. Now again, you don't get more extreme than that. You really don't. If you know history. All right. The Jews who are already in the Middle East before the Third Reich and they needed a place to put the survivors of the Holocaust and protect them. So that's how the state of Israel came about. It had nothing to do with stealing any land or pressing anybody. But this is just insane. Now perhaps the most radical. Of all of the four is a woman from Massachusetts, Aiyana Pressley. African-American. OK. Now I... This woman is way off the chart despising America. She says that the Founding Fathers were racist, that white supremacist throughout our whole history. I mean she hates this country. Put it up on the screen. "Trump's racist and bigoted lies are disgusting and unsurprising. His cruel efforts to rile up his base and have serious consequences on our collective safety and well-being. We will not be dismissed. We will not be bullied by a Twitter thug." She is talking about the President of the United States. All right and you know if anybody had ever said this about Barack Obama or even Bush the younger or Bill Clinton or anything like that they would have been roundly criticized by the media. You can't really try to destroy, as this woman is doing, the president the United States. But she is.


 So anyway, they vote today. It means nothing by the way, the vote in House of representative. Four Republicans supported the Democrats in condemning the Tweet. Will Hurd of Texas. Fred Upton of Michigan. Susan Brooks of Indiana and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania. OK. Now in addition to the condemnation of the tweet, there is an impeachment vote. This doesn't mean anything. All right. So I'm not even going to get into it now. Maybe down the road I will a little bit, but I'm not going to waste your time with it because it's not going to happen.


 The mistake that Donald Trump made in my opinion is that he personalized this. Yes the backlash might help him. I said that on the radio. The backlash against the racism business may help Donald Trump in the election. And yes he's raising a lot of money. Because a lot of Americans have had enough of the racism thing. But if it were me, I would have highlighted the radicalism of these women as I just did with you. Rather than telling them to go back to anywhere. I would have said that they are not truthful. They despise their country and they're not helpful in improving America. That's what I would have said and then I would have just methodically put the facts out.


 The reason these four women are doing what they're doing is because of Saul Alinsky. Does that name ring a bell?  Saul Alinsky was the radical left college professor who was the guru of the Vietnam era crazy left. The SDS People like that. In 1971, Alinsky put out a book called "Rules for Radicals". I'm going to read you a few of those rules because this is what the four Congresswomen are doing. So, rule number one: "ridicule is a man's most potent weapon." Ridicule and what is the biggest thing you can ridicule somebody about in America? Racist, you are a racist. Ridicule.


 Two. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." And how the Trump haters love that he's being branded a racist by these four congresswoman and others. Three. "Keep the pressure on." Attack attack attack attack attack. Never let it go. Four. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." This is just a Tweet, a sarcastic Tweet but they made it into a much bigger issue. Rules for Radicals. Next, "if you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter side." This is from Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda. Push it push it push it. Don't matter if it's true. Just say it over and over and over and over and over again and then it's going to sink in as some people. Jews are bad. Jews are bad, Jews are bad, Jews are bad every day. Trump's a racist. Trump's a racist, Trump's a racist, Trump's racist. Finally, "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." Rules for Radicals. There's a strategy behind all of this on both sides. On the Trump side and on the far left side. Need to know that.


 OK. Morning Consult. Don't trust it. They asked a poll question about immigration. I am going to read you the question. "As you may know, immigrants and Customs Enforcement, ICE has planned a series of raids to arrest and deport thousands of undocumented immigrants. These immigrants have outstanding court orders to be removed from the U.S.. Do you support or oppose these raids by ICE?"


 OK. The question lacks one very important detail. A judge ruled in each case the undocumented people have no right to remain in the USA. Yes it says, all right the question says, "have outstanding court orders" but nobody knows what that means. They could have easily put a judge ruled they have no right to stay in this country. Now, 51 percent of Americans, according to this poll, favor ICE. Only 35 percent don't. However, those polled break down this way. And I have it... There it is. 38 percent Democrat, 32 percent independent, 31 percent Republican. So that's stacked against the Republicans big time because you got to assume that the independents, at least half of them are liberal leaning. And these people know this. They know their polls are stacked. But even so, a majority of Americans say go ahead. You got to do it. You got to enforce a law. Very interesting.


 I saw this yesterday. It's worth repeating. It is going to become a big issue. Under President Obama's administration, eight years. Three million migrants were deported. Under President Trump, two and a half years, Seven hundred fifty eight thousand. Biden will not repudiate the 3 million. Wait until you see what happens in the upcoming debate.


 President Trump signed an order that says if you want to apply for asylum in the United States, you first have to us apply for asylum in the country that you leave. For example, in Guatemala, the first country you get to is Mexico. You got to apply for asylum there first before you can apply for asylum in the USA. What this is an attempt to discourage people from making the trek north to apply for asylum. That's what this is. OK so now if you're here and you haven't and you got through Mexico. Which you have to on the southern border, have to. They're not going to hear your case unless you go back and apply for asylum in Mexico. This is back logging now. But the reason is that they want, U.S. government wants to send a message of don't come. Don't do it. Pretty effective.


 I want to talk to Eddie Scarry. He is the author of the book," Privileged Victims: How America's Cultural Fascists Hijacked the Country and Elevated its Worst People." It's available for preorder. It comes out in January. Eddie went to the border. He works for The Washington Examiner, as a columnist. Went to the southern border. I want to debrief you Ed and you're coming to us from Washington. First of all, where did you go?


 "We went to El Paso, we saw one facility there and then we traveled about 30 minutes away to Clint, where they got another facility."


 OK. And who were in these facilities?


 "In the first one you got families. So that's a husband and wife or man and woman, who have a child together. They cross, they are placed in this facility. That one is in El Paso. When we got there, there were about 20 or so people in there. When we went to Clint, about 30 minutes away, that's the unaccompanied minors. So that's just children who show up in Texas, on American soil. They take them into custody snd the kids are just by themselves or what they do is they separate them from a smuggler or from someone they determine is not their actual guardian or not their actual parent. They put them in there."


 They're only 20, in... the El Paso detention facility?


 "In the first one there was about 20. So that's El Paso. That's the families. And the second one, which was children,  there was about 17."


 OK. So that's not a big number. That was not a large number. Where the facilities, were they okay for the... In both places?


 "Yeah. Well first I will say that this was done, this was an operation that was conducted by the public affairs department of DHS and ICE. So you take that into account that these places I'm sure were cleaned up and to some degree but yes they were. They were very clean facilities. There was food everywhere. There were mattresses for everybody. They weren't overcrowded like we had read about. At one point they did say the agents were very forthcoming that yes they were at one point. They've seen a decrease in June of the number of people who are crossing the border. So they, they said they were able to kind of get a grasp in that sense and then also on top of that they were talking about how with the decrease, they were able to put different systems in place. For example instead of agents having to prepare food, prepare the... do the laundry for everyone. They have contracted those things out. So it's a much smoother running process."


 OK. So did you do any investigating into how bad it was say four months ago? Was it chaos? Was it a situation where the migrants were suffering?


 "I did not have to do any investigating. I listened to DHS, I listened to the Health and Human Services and I listened to the Pentagon. They all said that this was at the breaking point. They all said their facilities were overcrowded. They all said that our facilities were overwhelmed, our resources were overwhelmed. There was a little thing called a national emergency the president declared recently, so I didn't have to do investigating, I just listened to the departments, they said this is true. And yet still that does, just because these two facilities were not when we saw them in a dilapidated shape, all that means at this point is that they've got a better handle on the people that are flowing into the country. Those people are then turned loose. They've got the contractors that make the process a lot more seamless. It didn't do anything to hamper the issue at hand."


 Do they tell you how many people they've let loose? How many people crossed here illegally and are now in the country doing what they want to do?


 "The numbers change month to month. I can tell you over the course of the last, over the course of just this year starting in January. But you know like the fiscal year which is I think September. It's hundreds of thousands. They have hundreds of thousands have come in. 90 percent of them that are screened for the asylum, you know their first asylum test there. They're then given a court date. That court date is not for between two and five years before they actually see it. So let's see, you look at 90 percent of hundreds of thousands. What does that give you? You're still at hundreds of thousands.".


 So they don't sent them back to Mexico to wait for the asylum adjudication. They let them come to the United States if they have somebody, a friend or an uncle or somebody like that, then they'd let them go. And the government pays for their transportation, right?


 "Oh sure. Not only that, they pay for the clothing, they pay for the medicine, they pay for the legal counsel in addition to anything else that... especially because they come with children, that entitles them to all sorts of legal protections, legal entitlements. Free schooling in many cases, free housing or subsidized housing at the very least."


 So it doesn't sound like a concentration camp, does it?


 "Oh absolutely not. It's almost the hotel, it's almost a resort."


 Yeah. Don't say that because they'll come after you. ACLU filed a lawsuit yesterday against the new policy that if you want to apply for asylum, you have to first apply in the country you traverse. Which would be Mexico on a southern border. Canada for the north. All in all, I believe that the Democratic Party has hurt itself by its open border posture. That most Americans do not want hundreds of thousands of people in this country on asylum claims. They feel that a lot of them are bogus. Asylum is supposed to be a political situation. Where your life is in danger by a government, not gangs in your neighborhood. We don't... we of course feel sorry but can't take everybody. The Democratic Party is let them all in, pay for everything including their health care. And that's OK. Do you believe that will hurt the Democrats in the upcoming election?


 "It will hurt them and that's why you will see them on the one hand say exactly what you're saying. Which is that we should effectively have open borders, decriminalize crossing unauthorized into the country, give them free healthcare and then the next, the next second they'll say well no that's not what we believe. We all believe in border security. So yes they lie about that. And then also I just want to throw at you. It's not just Americans who believe this. I just did a story at the Washington Examiner about Mexicans. It's about 55 percent are saying they believe the Central Americans that are coming into their country and staying for one reason or another, they should all be deported. That's the same case in Western Europe. Every country that has a remote sense of stability or development believes that their borders should be protected. It's not just America.".


 I was just in Austria and they don't take any. None. Austrian government says slam the door shut. Nobody. Hey Eddie, we really appreciate it. Thanks very much. Look forward to your upcoming book.


 Okay now I got to stick up for Chuck Schumer, the Senate. Minority leader. So the headline all over the place yesterday was, "Chuck Schumer supports slavery reparations bill". What Senator Schumer is now supporting is a study. Is a study of slavery reparations. Not the actual giving out of cash. Now why did they do it? Because they want to mainstream, they being the media, want to mainstream that reparations, hey you know Chuck Schumer supported it. So yeah I mean it is really taken on a lot of traction. That is why they do it.


 Here's a study that caught my attention by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Which is s very pinheady but important publication. So they studied for six years, about 4000 students, teenagers in Montreal, Canada. I don't know why they picked Montreal. So they asked the students, they tracked them about how much time they spent watching TV, on social media, playing video games. They found out that the more teens were engaged in the visual, social media, video games, TV the more depressed they were.


 OK so I am going to quote, "study found teens who spend too much time on social media or watching TV are notably more depressed. An increase of as little as one hour social media interaction from normal levels would result in a measurable increase in depression, the study found." Now why? Because on social media, there is so much vile stuff and in the neighborhoods when they're chatting among themselves. The bullying. All that at. Off the chart. Please if you have teenagers or your grandparents of teenagers, watch them closely on this machine.


 All right. WalletHub. No idea. They put out a study on the most stressed cities in the country, the least stressed. Told you yesterday, I'm doing this because of amusement. I want to amuse you. Here are the most stressed cities. Detroit. Cleveland. Newark, New Jersey. Baltimore. Baltimore is stressed. Philadelphia. St. Louis. Cincinnati. Birmingham, Alabama. Wilmington, Delaware. Shreveport, Louisiana. Most stressed and that's on work stress, financial stress, family stress, health and safety.


 Least stressed. All right, the least stressed city in the United States is Fairmont, California. Fremont! Fremont, California. Named after the General. General Fremont. Fremont, California is the least stressed.  Then Bismarck, North Dakota. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Overland Park, Kansas. Irvine, California, in Orange County. Plano, Texas. I lived on the border of Plano Texas for two years in Richardson. South Burlington, Vermont. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. San Jose, California. Take it for what it's worth. I'm going to deal with the stress factor in the message of the day... Final Thought. OK. Final Thought on stress. Quick break. Mail and that Final Thought in a moment. Go.


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 So let's do some mail now.


 Richard in Sherman Oaks, California.


 "Bill, President Trump's Tweet was the worst mistake of his term. He united Democrats when they were battling each other. I still doubt among those voters still on the fence. Though the Tweet was somewhat taken out of context, the line, "go back to your country", resonated from late 60s and is ugly.".


 OK Jim Knox. Jacksonville, North Carolina.


 "It's funny how the left doesn't realize that playing the race card stopped working a long time ago. Does not persuade anyone.".


 Ok Donald. Maciel Coral Springs, Florida.


 "Mr. O'Reilly I would posit.".


 Nice word.


 "Democratic Party is no longer the Democratic Party. Combination of pure socialism and the New Wave vote democrat party is rapidly becoming a house divided. Man said it, cannot stand."


 We'll see. We'll see how that shakes. There's definitely division in the Democrat Party. No doubt about it.


 Kathleen T. Pensacola, Florida.


 "President Trump is saying what millions of Americans are thinking. If one doesn't love America, why not go someplace else?"




 "Little is getting done in Washington because this constant insanity. It is always the hardworking people the country caught in the middle.".


 That's true. Susan.


 "I'm seriously thinking of delaying the payment of my taxes in protest of this out of control government we have.".


 Don't do that. The interest payments will kill you. Don't withhold your taxes, pay them.




 "Can Biden win if Obama doesn't openly support him?".


 Now James is a Concierge Member. James can ask me this question personally but he puts it on a message board and I like that. OK but I'm trying to tell you is think about Concierge Membership because in the upcoming election, you're going to have questions and I'll answer them personally. Biden can win if Obama doesn't endorse anyone. If President Obama endorses someone else, that would be very harmful to Joe Biden.


 Nancy, a Concierge Member.


 "I did recruit new members for Bill O'Reilly.com. I even bought one his membership for him. Make him pay you back, Nancy. All right come on. I'm not charging much for this. Even Concierge is under 100 bucks a year. It's pennies a day. You're very generous and very loyal to us. But that guy should you pay back. Give me his name, I'll... tell him to pay you back.




 "Bill, in regard to Monday's segment regarding historic low ratings for CNN. will changes to CNN have an impact on other liberal networks?"


 If AT&T, which owns CNN wipes them out. Then you'll see a new CNN. Will that impact MSNBC? No. It won't. Or NBC News or CBS or ABC. Won't have any impact on them.




 "Bill, just finished Killing England on the eve of July 4th.".


 Well thank you, Betty. Very nice of you. That was timely.


 "And immediately started reading David McCullough's, The Pioneers.".


 Let me know how that is. I've got a lot of reading I have to do on contemporary things. But let me know how that Pioneer's book is. American Patriot hat now in red...oh yeah here it is. Need a summer hat? Don't come better than this. Nice hat. In our store and we have all kinds of other great stuff. When writing to Bill O'Reilly.com do not be a snollygoster. Real word. Right back with the Final Thought on stress.


 You have been hearing about gold all over the news. Prices keep going up. Experts are warning a recession is here, it is time to prepare. Recent analysts this week says he sees gold going up hundreds of dollars per ounce, to hit seventeen hundred. That's why I recommend you check out the Hartford Gold Group to learn more. To get you started, The Hartford Gold Group will gift you a free silver coin. If you're watching the No Spin News, you can get the free coin from the Hartford Gold Group. No purchase necessary. All you have to do is call 877-444-GOLD gold. 877-444-GOLD. Please call today.


 OK as a Final Thought. I'm talking to an urchin the other day. The urchin is going... "I am so stressed out". You are stressing me out. I'm the stressor. The urchin is stress-ee. Now the issue was that I was asking the teenager to organize himself because living in chaos leads to bad things.

 Now I didn't yell. There was no sanction. I was going, "Hey, you gotta get stuff in order". There's six more weeks left to summer. You want to do all these things, you gotta organize it. You've got to get rides. I gotta know who's going. If you're going with Charles Manson's grandson, I'm going to say no. All right.... So much stress...It was hysterical. Now real stress can kill you. I'm amazed I'm not dead. I've been under stress my entire life. Always. I don't know. Never been a time when I haven't been under stress. This television thing that I did on Fox News for more than 20 years. Every day of my life, my life was threatened.

 OK I'm glad I'm not doing that anymore but I gotta deliver this. I gotta deliver radio. I gotta deliver columns. I got to deliver it. Can't say I can't do it. That stress. So some stress is good. But not if you lose your composure. I look at it as a challenge. Every day I got a schedule. All right. We're gonna do this. I build in a lot of leisure time. That means I'm in the ocean a lot. I'm in the pools, in the pool this morning. Working out, stretching. A lot of that. But bad stress, you can either let it get you or you can look at it as a challenge. But if you're obsessing about something. Get rid of it. If there is some obsession, get rid of it. Whether it's drugs or alcohol or another person annoying you. Whatever it may be, gone. Not going to win that.

 Got to deal with stress. Every human being has to deal with it. All right. The smart people use it as a challenge. Do it constructively. The not so smart people allow it to go in and all of a sudden your body starts to breakdown. That's the Final Thought. We'll see you again tomorrow.

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