The Civility of Politics is Lost
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 23, 2019
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It used to be that American politics was intense but somewhat civil. The relationship between President Reagan and Speaker Tip O’Neil was a vivid example of that.

Over my long career, I’ve had fairly good rapports with politicians of all persuasions. I recently had an extended conversation with both Bill Clinton and Henry Kissinger at Yankee Stadium, polar opposites.

I was fortunate enough to speak in depth with President Bush the Younger and with President Barack Obama on a number of occasions. Also with Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s top advisor. I learned much from all of those conversations because they were honest and respectful.

But that was then.

Now, with far left fanatics running wild and outliers on the right saying hateful things, I’ve lost respect for a number of political people. I had no trouble interviewing Hillary Clinton but cannot imagine conversing with Kamala Harris after that Brett Kavanaugh display, and her comparing ICE agents to the KKK.

On the other side, I could not bring myself to consider conservative columnists Peggy Noonan and George Will who use petty personal grievances to attack people.

There is political hate everywhere in the age of Trump and I will confess I never saw it coming to the degree that it has. I did warn the President both privately and on TV that the media would try to bring him down. But I never imagined that all rules of honesty and civility would collapse in the USA.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll continue our look at what is likely to happen in the long presidential race which has already begun. We hope you’ll tune in. And I hope you will spread the word that our analysis cuts through all the bull.

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