Last week in Pennsylvania, President Biden told a crowd that his uncle was eaten by "cannibals" in New Guinea during World War II.
Immediately, cannibals all over the world began filing defamation suits. In fact, the closest Joe has ever come to that world is listening to the song "Land of a Thousand Dances" by Cannibal and the Headhunters. Google it.
Subsequently, Biden's statement was corrected as Joe's uncle was shot down over the Pacific, never to be seen again. But, really, does it even matter what the President puts forth? Often, he clearly doesn't know what he's saying. He has to have a cheat sheet to wish you a nice day.
Same thing with Donald Trump. He's liable to say anything at any time. When he's bored - the words fly. And he's not checking Wikipedia for accuracy. But does it matter?
No, it does not.
Those who support Biden have to know he's way out there. But they're okay with it. His doddering does not penetrate their comfort zones.
Same thing with the Don. MAGA folks are comfortable with him. Even if he BECAME a cannibal, many would stay with him.
Dietary choices are nobody's business.
When I was young and foolish, I used to try to persuade folks I felt were misguided. It rarely worked. The truth is that most people build protective barriers around themselves and rarely stray from the comfort they provide.
It's all about the tribe. If you are surrounded by conservatives, you tend to go that way. Liberals do the same thing, don't they Hollywood? Most human beings crave acceptance.
Not me. My zone of comfort is an honest attempt to solve problems. I gravitate towards people who do that. This is not all that common.
My mother's comfort zone was the Catholic Church. She loved the Rosary Society and religious ceremony.
My father never really found a comfort zone. Because he was raised during the Depression, doom was his friend. He got to the airport three hours ahead of time in case "something happens." Anxiety? You have no idea.
But back to Biden and Trump. Joe's comfort zone is Jill. Total dependence. Not being facetious. What Jill says goes.
Donald isn't dependent on anyone. Does and says what he wants. That's his zone. Also, he feels comfortable lashing out so here comes the verbal javelin.
I well understand both Joe and Don are not capable of moderating their behavior. Most people aren't. My parents never changed. They stayed in their zones to the end.
Over the next seven months, the ridiculous media will spend an enormous amount of time mocking and attacking what both presidential candidates say. But that's largely useless.
We have all seen what each has done in office. And that should be what decides it in November. Actions, not words.
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