Trump Dissembles the Four Congresswomen in NC Rally; Planned Parenthood Forgoes Federal Funding
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 18, 2019
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Hey Bill O' Premium Members and welcome to the No Spin News.  Thursday, July 18th, 2019. Take Your Country Back.

 So sometimes I even frighten myself. If you've been watching us this week and I hope you have. I said at the very beginning of this controversy between President Trump and the four radical Congresswomen, that I think this is going to work to the president's advantage. I did say I could be wrong because I could have been wrong but now I'm convinced I'm right. So I watched the rally, at least part of it in the North Carolina arena, eight thousand people there last night. I kind of knew that Donald Trump was going to make the four Congresswoman the highlight of the rally. That he was going to reiterate because he has live television, as he'd said, you can't edit it. 

 So he went through the litany of why he believes these women are harming the country. That's what it comes down to. President Trump believes the four Congresswoman are harming America. They are Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, New York. Rashida Tlaib, Michigan. Illan Omar, Minnesota. Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts. He believes those four women are hurting America and demeaning it. They hate it, whatever. OK. Now this is the same strategy that the president used to diminish and marginalize his Republican opposition, ok 3 years ago this summer, in the debate. Now when you read and I hope you do, The United States of Trump, I will take you through in a very micro way, how shrewd Donald Trump was in knocking his 17 other competitors out. Same thing here. And I mentioned this, I don't want to be repetitive but I'm going to run two soundbites about the president's speech and then I'm going to get into the fact of why I think he's winning this.

 Soundbite number one is about a Illan Omar, who just today attacked Israel again. And this woman is really off the chart left. I mean you don't get more left than she. Roll the tape.


 "And at a press conference just this week. When asked whether she supported al-Qaida. That's our enemy, that's our enemy. They are a very serious problem that we take care of but they always seem to come along somewhere. She refused to answer. She didn't want to give an answer to that question. Omar blamed the United States for the crisis in Venezuela. We think of that one and she looks down with contempt on the hard working Americans, saying that ignorance is pervasive in many parts of this country."


 OK so the worthiness of what the president said about MIss Omar isn't in discussion here. I don't care what Congressman Omar says. It matters not to me as an American or as a journalist. I have defined her in my mind as the furthest left loon you could get. So she kind of disqualifies herself as far as my analysis of what she's doing. But the president's using her as what they call a stalking horse because she's so extreme, he's tying her and the other three into the fabric of the Democratic Party. And guess who helped them today do that? Name Joe Biden sound familiar? Well Joe Biden came out and said "oh no these four Congresswoman. That's what's good about America. They are what's good about America. That was a mistake. He's going to come back, Trump and use that soundbite. You wait and see. Because most Americans love their country and think that America's noble. That's 65 or 70 percent are in that bracket.


 Now all the press sympathizes with the far left and try to prop them up and divert attention to the racist aspect of this, which is bogus totally. If these women were lily white, if they were Scandinavians and they had the same point of view, Trump would go after them, you know he would. Doesn't have anything to do with skin color. So basically, Trump is using this as a campaign issue. He's going to say, you may not like me but certainly your economic status has benefited from my administration and you really want them? It's him against them. And I think most Americans are gonna say, no, we don't want them. Because believe me, if the radical Left ever gets power in this country, all our lives are gonna be changed for the worse. And it's gonna be bad.


 OK. The second sound bite is the one about America, love it or leave it. Go.


 "They never have anything good to say. That's why I say hey, if they don't like it, let them leave. Let them leave. They're always telling us how to run it and how to do this. How the... You know what, if they don't love it, tell them to leave it."


 Very simple. We heard that in the 60s. It's just to rally up the troops. That's that's what it's about. All right. So just encapsulating I believe President Trump is going to win this controversy. He's going to use it and it will help him in re-election.


 So the radicals in the House wanted to start in articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. There was a vote last night. Three hundred and thirty two congresspeople said no. Ninety five said yes. That's a humiliation. Now, Nancy Pelosi basically told the Democratic Party, hey you better not vote for this. Because Pelosi knows independent voters don't want this. All of that. I don't think any Republicans, lets see... No. No Republicans are on board there. They're all Democrats. So...not gonna be impeachment. Not going to happen.


 The House also voted yesterday to hold Attorney General Barr and Commerce Secretary Ross in contempt. So what this is about is there was a discussion in the Trump administration about adding a question to the census about whether you're a citizen or not. You all know that. The far left wants to find out what those discussions were about, so they can try to put a racist tag on. Barr and Ross are saying look, you know what we tell the president and he signed an order to that effect is confidential.We're not going to tell you what happened. We're not going to give you any notes. I'm not going to give you anything. So the House said OK we're going to hold you in contempt. Barr and Ross say so what. So what? I mean this happened in the Obama administration. OK with Holder, Attorney General Holder. He wouldn't give out any information about Fast and Furious, gun scandal that led to a U.S. customs agent being murdered. Holder wouldn't say whether he ordered it or not. He wouldn't say anything. They held him in contempt. Nothing happens because the Justice Department has to prosecute. Barr is not going to prosecute...Alright...  Doesn't mean anything. Zero. Most Americans don't even understand what it's all about.


 OK. So I said about two minutes ago that if the radical Left ever takes power in this country, all our lives change for the worse. Let me give you a very vivid example. Crime has always been, always been a terrible problem in America. Because if you have ever been a crime victim, now I've had my house broken into, I've had things stolen from me but I've never been hurt by a criminal. But maybe you have. Your whole life changes. Even if it's a theft. Everything changes.


 In 1991 in this country, 1991. Crime was out of control. Essentially because of the crack epidemic in the inner cities. The drug addicts were committing horrendous crimes of violence to get money to buy crack cocaine. The federal government decided to make mandatory sentencing of people who sold crack and put them away 30 or 40 years. Violent criminals also start to get mandatory prison time. Big stiff sentences in the early 90s. All right. That was combined with the broken windows theory, that cities like New York wouldn't let people jump over the turnstiles, put graffiti on subways. Go to the bathroom in the street. Quality of life crimes were prosecuted and people were fined and got a record. Early 1990s.


 Now I'm going to give you the stats. From 1991 to 2016. National crime overall crime, this is according to the FBI. OK. Fell fifty one percent in America. Fifty one percent. 1991 to 2016, last stats available. Violent crime, where people get hurt. Fell forty nine percent. Murder. Fell 46 percent. Astounding stats. All because the criminal justice system got tough. Now the far left doesn't want that. Started with President Obama, trying to tell the nation that selling heroin and crack cocaine and methamphetamine wasn't a violent action. Why are we putting these people away? Well maybe because hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from drug overdoses? Maybe because addicted Americans commit 70 percent of property crimes? Maybe because addicted Americans abuse children at a rate of almost 80 percent? Maybe that's why we hold people accountable for selling the poison that disrupts our society. Maybe that's it, President Obama. But this has continued in the far left precincts. Now the far left doesn't want bail. So if you are arrested even for a violent crime. You walk. You are arranged, your photograph, fingerprinted. Out the door. Heading this is Congressman Karen, congresswomen, Karen Bass a Democrat of course. Her district is in Los Angeles. Listen to her. Go.


 "It's really an embarrassment on our country that we have more people locked up in the United States than any place in the world. And if you look at the many many many people who are locked up, they're locked up because they're poor. Because they can't afford bail or they can't afford proper legal defense. You know why are people incarcerated just because they can't make bail? Shouldn't people be incarcerated because they're a flight risk? We do that because people are poor. If we just dealt with that aspect alone. We could drastically reduce the prison and the jail population."


 Sure. Let them out. Look there's no doubt that poor people, drug addicted people commit most of the crimes. Are we supposed to let them? So they don't serve any time in jail after they're arrested because they can't make bail? The judge imposes bail so that people will come back for their hearing or they forfeit the bail. So poor people are supposed to be exempt from that? This is what I mean. This is so crazy. Now if you were to give Congresswoman Bass the stats I just gave you and said the reason for this, that drastic crime drop is because we put them in prison, the criminals for long periods. Oh no that's a human rights violation. What? It's a human rights violation if you hurt somebody. If you sell narcotics, if you rape and murder. That's a human rights violation. But no because according to Ms. Bass, if you're poor then you should be treated differently, if you hurt somebody. It's not really your fault. You're poor. What an insult to law abiding lower income people. Just telling you, this is what is happening. This is what is coming if these people get power.


 New Mexico is a very troubled state, terrible governor there. They have a migrant problem but they don't have resources. New Mexico's a poor state. Not like Texas and Arizona. Mexico doesn't have a lot of resources. So on Highway 7, if you know the state. Mexico's a beautiful state, I'd love to go there. OK. They had checkpoints manned by homeland security people to look for narcotics. Because you can't. There aren't a lot of secondary roads solid Texas. Because his desert. So they set up checkpoints on Highway 7. Well they pulled most of those homeland security people who deal with the migrants. Make sure the migrants had supervision. Narcotics flooded. Cartels love it. OK so since the end of March, not a dollar has been seized in narcotics in New Mexico, southern Mexico. And it used to be millions of dollars. Cartel is just dancing. Just to show you how crazy this whole thing is. It's all connected.


 Planned Parenthood. The president is out. OK. The president is a liberal doctor who supports abortion on demand for any reason at any time. She's not radical enough for Planned Parenthood. So Planned Parenthood is saying, Tuesday they said they're not going to take federal family planning funds anymore because the Trump administration says you can't take federal money if you're going to be in the abortion business. Planned Parenthood's main source of income is providing abortions or referring them. That's where they get their money. So they're not going to obey the federal law. They don't want the money. Good. Good. Planned Parenthood is a fanatical pro abortion outfit. No restraints. Nothing. Right up to the last second before birth. It is okay to extinguish that baby for any reason. According to Planned Parenthood. They'll help you. Do I want them to get my tax dollars? No I don't.


 Colorado State University. I think it's in Greeley right? Northern Colorado. OK. So they put out... Now you know when you think of radical schools you don't think Colorado State University maybe University of Colorado at Boulder. Yeah. Not Colorado State. They put out an inclusive language guide. Right away you know there's trouble, right? Inclusive language guide. Now the university says this isn't an official policy but it's a guideline. The inclusive language guide and in the guide, Fort Collins, Fort Collins, not Greeley, close. OK in the inclusive language guide they suggest that you don't use the word America or American on the campus of CSU. Why? Because America according to the university encompasses more than just the USA. And by referring to the U.S. as America the guide claims it erases other cultures and depicts the USA as the dominant American country. I believe it is. It's the United States of America. Shorten to America. America the Beautiful. This is how crazy. These universities are.


 All right. Other words that you don't use on campus. You can't say the word male. Female. Ladies and gentlemen or Mr. Mrs. Miss. Why? Quote: "male and female refers to biological sex and not gender. In terms of communication methods, we very rarely need to identified or know a person's biological sex and we more often refer to gender." So you don't need to know if you're talking about a person whether they're male or female? A man or a woman? A lady or a gentleman? You don't need to know. In other words, CSU they don't want you to use his straight. The word implies that anyone LGBT is crooked. OK. Other words. Oh God. Cakewalk. I don't know why. Eeny meeny miney mo, out. Eskimo. Freshman because it has MAN. Freshman, can't your fresh. Hip hip hooray. Hold down the fort. It gives it a militaristic. Starving and policemen. Handicapped parking also should not be used. It minimizes personhood and offends disabled people. Now this is fascism of course. Which it is. CSU is going to tell you, how you... have to talk. What words you can and cannot say. Quick break. We got mail. We got a Final Thought on how the media really got hurt last night at the Trump rally. Roll it.


 Here's something interesting. Glenn Beck launched for a very simple reason, to help you sell your home quickly and for top dollar. Selling or buying a home is very complicated and difficult to navigate. So they chose agents with a long track record of success. Market value for your home cannot be done by calculation. They just can't. It takes years of expertise to evaluate your market to price your home and to sell quickly for top dollar. Home sellers must genuinely like the agent they choose to trust their home to and that's why Beck and his team select agents that are fans of his, like you are. So get moving with real estate agents I


 Ok, how about some mail. Barry Houghstadler. Rockford, Illinois.


 "Some questions about the progressive's beliefs. The country is so bad as they say. Then why would anyone want to come here? As for the squad...".


 And notice I never use the term, squad. I don't use that.


 "And those that agree with them. Do they really honestly believe the stuff they preach?".


 Number one they do honestly believe this stuff they preach. Fanatics are fanatics. Number two. There's no logic in fanaticism, so if you posed the question that you did, Barry. Well why do millions of people want to come here if we're a racist horrible nation? They don't have the answer for that.


 Brian Zack. Dallas.


 "How could a person of color in a position of power claim the USA is racist and doesn't give people of color a fair chance. They themselves are proof that what they are saying is a lie.".


 You're using logic again. But it but they would answer this way, the progressives and I know this because I didn't have interviews with them over the years. We're the exception. We got lucky or we had an advantage at most of the other people of color don't have. Whatever it may be. Never do they give credit to their nation for their success. John in Pennsylvania.


 "With more than 200 Democrats in the house. How did these four get so much power?".


 The media. The media bestows power on politicians. And Ocasio Cortez is the star. The other three kind of hitched themselves to her. And that's how they did it.


 Message board. Colleen.


 "Bill I was stunned and on the verge of outraged to hear you inform us that the horror that the Horowitz report is going to say that FBI agents clearly hated President Trump but their hatred did not influence their behavior in this made up Russian collusion. That infers there was no criminal behavior".


 Colleen, number one. I told you that I was told this by a secondary source. Could not vouch for it but it is entirely plausible and possible that Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Justice Department will say yes we found personal bias by investigating FBI agents against Donald Trump. But we did not find that, that bias bled over into the actual investigation. That is entirely possible. I don't know whether it will happen but certainly it could.


 Gary. Concierge Member.


 "If anyone believes the DOJ Inspector General will not find anything against Comey, McCabe and others. I believe I have a couple of pigs that can still fly for sale.".


 Okay, Gary. You know, what I'm going to say? Horowitz is a cautious man. Maybe he'll blow them up. You could be right.


 Jim Ishmael. Arlington, Texas.


 "Whatever happened at Trump's threat to send thousands of illegals to sanctuary cities? Can you comment?".


 I already have. I know you guys can't see everything in order. But I already analyze this, Jim. Donald Trump, the president of the United States has no power to send anybody anywhere. You can put him on a bus and he can say drive as much as San Francisco. But as soon as they get on the bus people going to go where they want. Can't order anybody to go anywhere.


 George Poole. Guilford, Connecticut.


 "Love the word snollygoster, I looked it up, it's a devious, unprinciple person, especially a politician.".


 A lot of snollygoster's running around the USA unfortunately. Word of, the day today is do not be jejune. Another great word. JEJUNE. So over the weekend I'd like you to go into our store and pick up an American patriot hat. We also have take your country back hats for this summer. Now I'm going to be on the beach this weekend because it's 100 degrees in New York. When it's 100 degrees in New York. It's painful because there is a lot of buildings and a lot of traffic and carbon monoxide, it's awful. I'm gonna be on a beach. I'm going to be wearing the hat. OK so if you're going out, if you're going to the beach, the pool, barbecue whatever it may be. Gotta wear the hat. Because melanoma is bad. My father died from melanoma. You got to protect yourself. Hat is a good way to do it. And plus it looks great and it's a conversation starter. OK. The American Patriot Hat. Another quick break. Right back with a Final Thought about how the media got its butt kicked this week.


 You have been hearing about gold all over the news. Prices keep going up. Experts are warning a recession is here. It's time to prepare. Recent analysts this week says he sees gold going up hundreds of dollars per ounce to hit seventeen hundred. That's why I recommend you check out the Hartford Gold Group to learn more. To get you started, The Hartford Gold Group will gift you a free silver coin. If you're watching The No Spin News, you can get the free coin from the Hartford Gold Group. No purchase necessary. All you have to do is call 877-444-G-O-L-D Gold. 877-444-G-O-L-D. Please call today.


 OK here's the Final Thought of the Day.


 After President Trump's speech last night. I watched a little of the cable news analysis of that speech. I usually do not do that because I don't learn anything. NBC, CNN and Fox, all bring on the same people who say the same things. In CNN's case they bring on 18 people. I don't know who they are. I can't keep track of who's saying what. I know they all hate Trump, except Rick Santorum. Poor Rick. Anyway I did watch because it was clear to me, as I told you at the beginning of this broadcast that Trump's winning. He's defeating the four radical Congresswoman.


 Now the media, the facial expressions and body language, they kind of know. The American people are not buying the racist stuff and they don't like the radical left. They kind of know that. Now they continued with the racist stuff but it's just boring. All right. It's over. You want to think he's a racist? OK. Most people don't. You want to? OK. You've got to wait until the United States of Trump, my book comes out because then I'll give you the facts about it. So when you hear that stuff you can say look at the way... well look... look like... boom boom boom boom boom boom. That's the worthiness of the book by the way. You can preorder it on Bill O' or Amazon, Barnes and Noble, wherever. 24th of September but if you preorder, you get a first. Anyway. The media on cable news and I'm sure this goes for the network news as well. They know they're losing this. No momentum on their side. None. The impeachment vote a landslide against it. OK now they are getting nervous. Really nervous.


 So in about 10 days, two weeks, two weeks. The next debate. Now I'm going to tell you about what's going to happen. Biden is the center point of the next debate and tell you what's going to happen to him. I told it to Bernie and Sid in the radio this morning, WNYC in New York. If you want to get a heads up on what I am going to say, just go in because we have the Bernie and Sid radio thing. But it's all about Biden in the next debate. Biden as I said, made a big mistake in siding with the radical Congresswoman. But he almost has to because he knows the far left is coming after him.


 OK. So we went through a lot of stuff today. We would ask you once again, recruit some Bill O' Premium Members and Concierge Members for us. If you all got one, I mean we're really successful now but we want to dominate. We want to you know, bring this newscast way up. It's happening. The O'Reilly update on the radio is just lights out. It's red hot. We'll have a couple of announcements in the next couple of weeks on that. But that's gone through the roof. So we're moving. We need your help. Have a great weekend. I'll be checking in. I'll see you soon.

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