Trump-Racism Controversy Continues to Rage; Previewing Mueller's Testimony
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 22, 2019
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Hey Bill O' Premium Members and welcome to the No Spin News. Monday, July 22nd, 2019. Take Your Country Back.

 So I had a little shark encounter over the weekend. I may be hyping this too much. I didn't really encounter the shark but there were sharks involved in my weekend. So that's going to be Final Thought. I want you to stick around and I'll tell you what's happening.

 So race is becoming the race. That means that the presidential race 2020 has devolved already into racism charges on all that. Now, if you were with us last week you know that I am leaving it to you, the American citizen to decide who's a racist and who isn't in your opinion. I'm not going to tell you who's a racist and who isn't. Unless there's evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. David Duke,  Lewis Farrakhan. OK. I mean we know that. They traffic in it. So all right. But President Trump or the Mod Squad. I'm not going to get involved with going racist this, racist that. That's stupid and that separates me from all the other commentators who are getting sucked into this. 

 The big story is that the Democratic Party and the media who are allied in the goal of getting Donald Trump out of office have decided that this race accusation is going to be the centerpiece of their campaign. Not going to be the economy, not going to be foreign policy. It's not going to be health care. It's not going to be whether you get a fair shot in life. No. Racism. I think this helps Trump, big. I think Donald Trump knows it helps him. Which is why he stokes it. Every day Tweeting this, Tweeting that.


 Now if you saw Vice President Pence over the weekend on CBS Face the Nation program, which is an anti Trump broadcast. Pence knew he was going to be asked about this and Pence said... I probably wouldn't say go back to where you came from. Now that was calculated. Pence doesn't go in there not knowing what he's going to say. So that sends a signal to me, the astute observer, that the Trump administration wants to lower this. But President Trump, you can't tell them what to do. And in his gut he thinks you know what, here's my strategy for getting reelected. You may not like me, Donald Trump. Personally, you may not like my tweets, my style or any of that. But you gotta like the economy because the economy's helping you as it stands today. I mean anything could happen next twelve or fifteen months. But in addition to the economy and addition to us getting the greatest trade deals, you know he's going to say all that. When you go into the ballot box, even if you don't like me, do you really want them? And them is going to be the Mod Squad. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and whoever the Democratic nominee may be. Do you really want them? That's probably going to be used as a campaign slogan. Not keep America great or make American great again. It is going to be, do you really want that? It's effective strategy. Because when you're voting, sometimes you vote for the lesser of two evils. That's why Hillary Clinton lost and I'll take you through that when my new book comes out. Anyway the race thing is tired but the hate Trump media is not gonna give it up. I found this exchange on the affirmation CBS broadcast pretty interesting. Roll it.


 "Why doesn't the president, as a matter of principle say unequivocally that non-white Americans are just as American as anyone else. Why doesn't he put this to rest?"


 "Well I think you've heard him say that the chant was inappropriate. We've all said the chant was inappropriate. I think..."


 "He also said they were patriotic. Very Patriotic.".


 "I think the news media really wants to make this about race. You just did it. This isn't about race. It's not about gender. It's not about religion. These members of the House of Representatives more, t's not just these four. It's also some of the candidates who are running for president on the Democratic side, fundamentally believe in policies that are dangerous for this nation. And as Republicans we are going to fight against those even if the mainstream media accuses us of racism when we do that."


 OK. So I think that Congresswoman Chaney lost an opportunity to really sock it to Margaret Brennan, when Brennan said no he said they were patriotic, very patriotic. But he didn't say the chant was patriotic. So President Trump and I don't even care about this but I'm just telling you what I would have done had I been Miss. Cheney. So the chant... Trump didn't have anything to do with the chant. He didn't write the chant, didn't direct the chant. Chant broke up and Trump said well... at first maybe that's not the greatest thing to have. Which seems to be the administration's point of view. But then he said you know the people who showed up though were patriots. So Brennan equated dishonestly, I don't know if she's smart enough but it is dishonest. She equated OK the branding of the people who showed up as patriots with the slogan. She applied the Patriot thing to the slogan. Patently dishonest. They do it all the time and I'd love to see you know the politicians and other people call them on it.


 Polling. Rasmussen now today, 49 - 49. 49 percent Americans think President Trump is doing a good job. Forty nine disapprove. So this isn't hurting him, the racism business. Strongly approve, 33 percent. Third of the country. Forty three percent strongly disapprove. People who hate Trump, hate him. The question is, is the racism stuff then going to make more people hate Trump? Is that going to happen? Now the last survey of Hispanic and black Americans, Visa V the president was in May. It was a nationwide survey and one guy who really knows this area pretty well is John McCloughlin and he joins us now from a couple of miles away from me here in Nassau County. He's a strategic consultant pollster partner of McCloughlin and Associates and you work consulting on the Latino issues in that in that world, right?


 "Yes we have a Spanish speaking polling company Pinellas Latinos and we work with the John Jordan on a national survey that he released back in May, that showed that there's a lot of potential for President Trump among Hispanic voters. Everyone looks at it as a monolithic vote and it's not. And the thing that the president did well with and what I was listening to you, Bill. What the Democrats are petrified of is that Donald Trump will do better than he did in 2016. He'll do better in 2020 among blacks and among Hispanic voters because he did eight points better with African-American voters than Mitt Romney did. And he did eight points better among Hispanic voters than Mitt Romney did, Donald Trump was able to get those votes and he won a historic election against Hillary Clinton, based on some support from the minority community. And if the Democrats lose those voters they know they'll lose the election."


 And a lot of it has to do with African-Americans staying home, didn't come out for Hillary Clinton, that kind of thing. But the racism thing is aimed directly at the minority communities. Ocasio-Cortez is Puerto Rican. And you know every two minutes the congresswoman is saying Trump's a racist, Trump is a racist... Is that going to permeate? Does that get through in your opinion?


 "Well I think the media carries it and the mainstream media is the one that's trying to put that through but to the voters it hasn't. You pointed out Rasmussen that does polls of likely voters, people who are likely to show up on Election Day of 2020. The president's job approval is going up since this whole debate started. He's now 49 percent of you said today. Last week he touched 50 a couple times. So he's grinding his job approval up based on the fact that the economy is going up. That there's six million, almost six million more jobs that are being created. And then the Democrats are doing damage to themselves. You mentioned Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi in our last national survey in June, she had a 35 favorable rating and 53 unfavorable rating. In the same month we've done a national survey for the Hudson Institute on anti-Semitism and among a thousand voters nationwide, Ilan Omar was recognized by 85 percent of all voters. She's a freshman congresswoman. She hasn't been there for six months and all of a sudden she has 85 percent name approval and she has two to one unfavorable name approval. So she's a huge liability for the Democrats and this to Pelosi's... So the more they keep going out there the more likely it is that people will look and say, Donald Trump or them? I have to re-elect President, he's succeeding. I may not like his style but his results, I like his results."


 Yeah. But it's still a wild card this survey in May said this, I'm going to quote it. "While we found that Trump faced major obstacles in getting Latino votes in the 2020 election. The survey found broad support among Latinos for much of his immigration agenda." Which was interesting. So the majority of Latinos, of Latinos back the wall. They don't like sanctuary cities. They basically want law and order in immigration. That's what the whole thing breaks down to. Latino Americans want law and order. OK. So but why if the immigration agenda isn't turning the Latinos off. Why would there be major obstacles in getting Latino voters to support President Trump? On what? Because if the economy is good and they're not worried about immigration so much on Trump's level. What's the opposition?


 "The opposition is the mainstream media even in the Hispanic community. Thirty eight percent of those interviewed in the survey were conducted in Spanish. The majority of those voters get the news from Univision. Univision is not exactly friendly to the president. Now on the issues and by the way the president had 27 percent of the vote in that survey among Hispanics. He had 29 percent in 2016. So he's close to passing where he was and the majority of those voters as you said, they support building the wall. They also support E-Verify to make sure somebody is a citizen before they get a job. Right. They also support and so those are also citizens, they are likely voters who are citizens United States. These are Latinos who came into the country properly. Did it right. Became citizens and now you've got Hispanics jumping the line on them. They don't favor taxpayer funded benefits for Latinos."


 "No No, it is clear they don't. But I'm going to go back to you say that Univision and the other Spanish media in America, Jorge Ramos, know this crew, that despised Trump. They have an impact. You're saying they do have an impact on Hispanic American voters.


 "Right. Because they're not telling people, they're not telling these Hispanic voters the successes that Donald Trump has. Instead they're focused on that they're separating the children and the border, policy started by Obama. The fact that I mean the fact that if we can't close our border and secure our border, we're basically inviting people to come here and risk their lives when it's a dangerous situation. So basically if the coverage was a little different,  more fair like you. You're not... you're not... I have seen you with the president where you don't... you ask him the tough questions and you get the honest answers. And there's a big difference between those voters in the United States whether they're Hispanic black or white, whether they see the president's message directly from him, whether they watch his speeches or they follow on Twitter or Facebook. They're overwhelmingly favorable and they approve of the job. The ones who only see news reports, it's negative. So the president..."


 I understand. it's gonna be... it's gonna be on President Trump to win them over. I'm not exactly sure of what he's going to do other than say the economy is really good and you got more options than you had under Obama, so vote for me again. Or there's gonna be a new wrinkle. Hey John, we always appreciate it. You're a real smart guy and thanks for helping us out and we hope you come back throughout the election cycle.


 "Thank you for the opportunity.  Really appreciate it."


 On the same note. Puerto Rican governor, Ricardo Rosello, having a big problem there. About a million people demonstrating against him. So here's what happened. They're calling this Ricky Leakes, after Ricky Martin, the entertainer. So apparently the governor was sitting around with some of his crew and they were BS'ing and somebody taped all of it. And they were saying derogatory things about women, homophobic comments about Ricky Martin. They were going, go "F" yourself about Puerto Rico's financial crisis. On and on and on and on. So as always somebody leaked that private conversation, the group chat to the Center for Investigative Journalism. Which published 900 pages of it and it makes the governor look like an idiot.


 OK. Now the reason this story is important, i you're not from Puerto Rico is because of Hurricane Maria. Remember that? OK so Hurricane Maria whips in there and destroys Puerto Rico. And the federal government throws eleven billion dollars in aid to the island. Remember Puerto Rico is not a state. It's part of the United States as a commonwealth, it governs itself. So eleven billion taxpayer dollars go in to try to help the poor people of Puerto Rico after Maria. Well it's still a disaster. Here's what President Trump said.


 "We are closely coordinated with the territorial and local governments, which are totally and unfortunately unable to handle this catastrophic crisis on their own. Just totally unable to."


 And after he said that, he's a racist, he's a racist. New York Times, Washington Post, just by saying that, which was true. He's a racist. Roll the tape.


 "You have got to hand it to Trump. Anybody can say horribly racist things about Hispanic people on a golden escalator. But it takes real balls to do it while their fellow citizens are dying. Trump is basically saying when hurricanes hit our people, they're not hiting all best. They're killing poors, they're killing lazies, and some I assume have said nice things about me."


 All right now that guy is the worst and it's hard to be the worst when you got Colbert and the others but he's the worst. But you saw it. Now again 11 billion went in but it didn't get to the folks. Because the governor and his crew are incompetent. The FBI is investigating, already arrested two the governor's people, of corruption. So get this, get this because this was a big story. Trump's a racist. Hates Puerto Ricans. And now we're seeing what the real story is. Now as for Governor Marcello, he says he's not going to resign. He has to resign. So he's gone soon. He's lost all credibility.


 I want to read you one more thing. This is from an op ed columnist in The New York Times and Charles Blow, another off the chart dishonest person. Quote, "Donald Trump's lie filled rage tweets continue a Trump pattern that mirrors a method that white supremacists have used throughout American history. Particular presence since reconstruction. This method involves proclaiming that minorities lack the character and capacity to create effective government. Therefore minority led jurisdictions are a hopeless drain on resources." He is talking about the hurricane Maria response. What is white supremacists? Now all of these people, Oliver, Blow, all of these people. Do you think now they would come and say you know I'm really sorry I misled you. I didn't tell the truth I'm really not smart enough to know the truth and I hate the man so much that the truth doesn't matter to me? Think they would ever say that?


 OK here's a preview Mueller Wednesday. 8:30a.m. I'll watch as much as I can. I got a tape radio and I got to do stuff. But I'm going to be paying close attention to the Mueller testimony. I don't know what's going to happen. I told Newsmax today there's rumors in the right wing precincts that Mueller and his people met with Democrats to plan out the testimony. To me that would be shocking. Because that'll come out and Mueller's reputation will be destroyed. So if you were Robert Mueller and you had a career in public service, you're going to do that? I don't think so. So I don't know but that seems to be real farfetched. What is more likely to happen is Republicans on the Senate committee, the House Judiciary Committee. I'm sorry. Republicans on the committee are going to try to trap Mueller into saying I knew there was no collusion in the beginning. That's the big headline on the Republican side and the Democrats are going to try to get Muller to say I would have indicted him if I could have. That is what it is. Mueller is a  pretty shrewd hombre. He's going to be there and I'm not going to speculate. We'll see. But that happens on Wednesday. Be here Wednesday night and Thursday and we'll have the best coverage. Brett Tollman and you know, everybody.


 Amusing story. Bernie Sanders campaign. The people who work for him are mad because he doesn't want to pay 15 bucks an hour, minimum wage. Of course Sanders campaigned on 15 bucks an hour minimum wage. But he doesn't want to give his people that. Now he has to but he's going to cut back their hours. You know Bernie Sanders is done. He's through. He's not going to get the nomination. He's just there. Democratic Party's turned on him. People have turned on him. Harris and Warren have more constituency right now than Sanders. Sanders lost all momentum. He owns three homes, he lives pretty large. Mr. socialist. He doesn't want to pay his folks 15 bucks an hour.


 Iran. So Iran says they got 17 Iranian citizens and arrested them for acting as spies for the USA. OK you know what this is? All totalitarian governments do this. So the Mullahs got a list of 17 people they don't like. They want them out. They want to hang them. They want them gone. 17. There might be more but they got 17. So they arrest them and say you're a CIA spy. There's no due process. Because your CIA spy. They leak it out to their government run media. Whips up the Iranians. Oh the Americans are spying on us and here are the 17 guys who did it. I assume they are all men. And we're going to hang them. That is what they all do. That's what Mao Zedong did. That's what Joseph Stalin did. Adolf Hitler did. That's what the mullahs in Iran did. Every totalitarian regime does the same thing. Do I believe it? No. I don't.


 But Iran still holding that British tanker and now Great Britain, they're changing their government. Theresa May is out. Boris Johnson is in. They don't know what to do. See the British government's seized an Iranian tanker in Gibraltar. You've got to go through the Straits of Gibraltar to get into the Mediterranean. The British owned the Rock of Gibraltar and the town of Gibraltar, overseeing. People don't understand this because they don't know geography. That's part of Spain but the British own it. So they grabbed this tanker because they believe the tanker was on its way to Syria with oil and there is an embargo in Syria. As soon as they did that, Iran's going to grab, we're gonna grab one of yours. So what is Great Britain gonna do? I don't know. Let's see what Boris Johnson does. First he gets steps right in. He's got a mess already.


 OK I've got a column entitled we'll tell you what to say. A Berkeley California as a whole list of things you can't say. It's hysterical. It is a riot. You can't say manhole. You can't say brother or sister. It's hysterical. I'm not going to go through them all, I want you to read a column. But I will tell you this is what happens in a fascist government. I just told you what happens in Iran. Here's what happens in Berkeley, California. Those people are uber leftists. We're going to tell you what to say if you deal with the with the city government in Berkeley, you can't say this stuff. We have an ordinance that says you can't say it. So don't say it. Now what are they going to do? Fine you? I don't know what they are going to do but this is fascism. Now it's right out of George Orwell. If you haven't read 1984, after Killing the SS this summer. That's the second book you read. All right. Orwell is an amazing profit. This is called newspeak. And they got it and they have a whole list of words you can't say in Berkeley, California. All right we got some mail and we got my encounter with sharks coming up. First this spot.


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 Lets get some mail going on.


 Vince. Concierge Member. Thank you, Vince. On the message board.


 "You know President Trump just might be the best strategical president ever. Past week his tweets and other media comments may have helped keeping Miss Ocasio Cortez and her gang of three in the news while keeping the Democratic presidential candidates out of the news. These folks lost a week of not getting their message out. Trump might be a phenomenal chess player.".


 I don't think it's so much keeping the Democratic message out. It is far away. It's far away and they have the debates coming up next week. I think it's demonizing demonizing demonizing. When the president wants to demonize the far left. He's doing it. I thought the ponder from Victor, another concierge member on the message board.


 " If Joe Biden received the Democratic nomination. How is Alexander Ocasio Cortez and her three react?".


 The Mod Squad won't like it. Now how much they won't like it. Are they going to try to undermine Biden at the expense of Trump? By telling the far left kooks not to vote. I don't think so. I don't think they are going to go that far.


 Joyce says:


 "Instead of send her back, how about vote her out?".


 You know I would have never singled out anybody for criticism in this regard because that empowers them. But I understand what Trump is doing. I would always attack their belief system. But he wants to demonize the people. That's what's happening.


 Judy Caspervicious. Jackson, New Jersey.


 "Glad you spoke about Saul Alinsky, Bill. I think it is important to repeat the information so we have a better understanding with the radical left is doing.".


 Right. I mean it's a coordinated effort to take the country over. There's no doubt about.


 Terry Safeco. Arcata, California.


 "Are we witnessing the death of the Democratic Party?".


 No. I don't think so. If Trump were to win the election by a landslide. Then the Democratic Party would be in serious trouble. If it's a McGovern situation, Trump really, you know if they nominate a far left person and Trump beats them carrying 40 out of 50 states. Then the party is in trouble. Not now.


 Maryland Onieda. West Harvester, New York.


 "Bill I can understand that Horowitz doesn't want to call out the FBI but Comey and McCabe clearly had to lie to the FISA judge to get permission to spy on the Trump campaign.".


 There is a report on Real Clear Politics and I do read that. Anonymous. So I can't vouch for it. That says Comey is gonna get in the Horowitz report. Also says Horowitz, it's not gonna be out until September. So take it for what it's worth.


 Bonnie in Schenectady, New York.


 "Bill please explain why the president has not reduced the national debt.".


 Because he needs a strong economy. He needs to spend as much money as possible to stimulate the economy. He's not interested in cutting back on government spending, this time. Maybe and it's a big maybe if he's re-elected he will.


 OK we have one more I want to read you. George. Concierge Member.


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 Got lots of good stuff in our stores. Remember Concierge Members get that huge discount. You buy all the Killing Books, you are a member for life. When writing to Bill O' please do not be saturnine. S-A-T-U-R-N-I-N-E. Great word. I have another break. Back with the sharks in a moment.


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 OK. Final Thought. Weekend was unbelievably hot here in the Northeast. Around one hundred and humidity is fairly hot. So I, your humble correspondent is sitting on the beach, right? I'm a beach guy anyway. Former lifeguard and water safety instructor. Always an ocean guy from the time I was three. I have home movies of me running into the ocean when I'm three with my mother. She was desperately chasing me so I won't drown. I think probably 10 years later she... should I have done that?


 Anyway. So I'm sitting on a beach, right? And I have to keep abreast of what's happening. So I get from a friend of mine, hey there is a shark. There's a shark in there in the neighborhood. And I went, wow because in Montauk, where I'm usually on the beach, there are whales all over the place and dolphins but not sharks. Because the water is rough and the currents are rough and the sharks can't come in because of the currents. It's very unusual. These sharks are up in Cape Cod because we're all Yankee fans. No. They are up there because the seals are hanging around Cape Cod and the sharks of course eat the seals. No seals down on Long Island. Not many anyway.


 OK. So I check this out. So there's a Great White paddling around a town about eight miles south of where I am. And it's in and I've got a picture of it. It's in fairly shallow water, not the ocean but in a bay situation. All right, off the ocean, there  are inlets where fish can go. That's very unusual. Very unusual. OK. Now this spreads all over eastern Long Island...sharks...  and I'm not going in the water. I'm not going in the water. I'm looking to them, it's 100 degrees. I mean I'm in that water. I don't care if the sharks there. Doesn't matter. I'll kick the shark. Now I'm not going 100 yards out. I'm staying in the break because the break protects you. But even if it didn't, one... you have a one in 4 million chance of getting bitten by a shark. One in four million. I think it's... hit by lightning is one in eight hundred thousand. I mean you're not going to get bitten by a shark. But everybody everybody...oh the shark.


  Now this is creating angst. It's creating angst. It's hot. The ocean is refreshing. The shark, OK it's around. It didn't bite anybody. It's just floating around. It's probably hot too. You don't not go in the water because somebody saw a shark eight miles away. But I got to tell you, everybody saw that shark. All right and I don't believe in creating angst. Don't create it. You know. One in four million? I will take those odds. I'm in the water. We'll see you tomorrow.

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