U.S. Withdrawal from Syria
By: Bill O'ReillyDecember 20, 2018
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It happens that I was at the White House yesterday when the Syria story hit.  President Trump announcing US ground troops will no longer operate in that country because ISIS has been largely defeated.
The media’s negative reaction to the announcement is kind of strange because it supported President Obama’s policy of letting ISIS run wild, which the killers certainly did.  Correct me if I’m wrong but I did not hear media cries for American forces on the ground to crush the terror group back then.
But now Donald Trump is President and everything he does is baaaad.  
The policy of keeping peace in Syria should be assumed by the United Nations.  But that won’t happen.  So President Trump is pulling troops back because he doesn’t like to deploy American soldiers on foreign soil.  He’s made that quite clear in the past.
US forces will, however, be close in case violence once again develops in Syria.  So why all the hysteria?
To damage Trump, that’s why.
Tonight I will tell you about my DC jaunt, I hope you will dial up the No Spin News beginning at 7 eastern.
See you then.

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