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Wall Negotiations Sink; Hispanics Now Largest Nonwhite Voting Group & Bill O'Reilly's 2016 Super Bowl Interview with President Trump
By: Bill O'Reilly
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Product Description
On tonight's rundown:

- Latest on the border wall-comparing the amount of drugs and illegal immigrants in the eight years of Obama.
- Tijuana has been named one of the most dangerous cities and yet there's still people that don't want a barrier to separate the crime from entering the U.S.
- War between President Trump and the Intelligence Community continues.
- Super Bowl Sunday quickly approaching. CBS set to interview President Trump.
- A look back at Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl interview with President Trump in 2016-Bill didn't go easy on him.
- Pew Research finds that Hispanics are now largest nonwhite voting group for 2020.
- Who will take home the Lombardi Trophy? Get Bill's analysis of Super Bowl LIII.
Author: Bill O'Reilly
Title: The Radio Factor
Download Size: 324 MB
Track Date: 3 AM
Downloads Allowed: 10
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