American Patriot Quiz
Muddy Waters
Born on April 4th, Great American Musician Muddy Waters has had a tremendous influence on blues, rock and roll, folk, jazz, country, and R&B music.

Take the quiz to learn more.
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1. Though he was born in Mississippi, Muddy Waters is often referred to as the father of modern _________?
2. Born McKinley Morganfield, how did Muddy Waters get his nickname?
3. Which Beatles song contains a lyrical reference to Muddy Waters with the line: "He roller coaster/he got Muddy Waters?"
4. Which rock band took its name directly from the title of a Muddy Waters song?
5. Muddy Waters' use of what is cited as the missing link between Delta Blues and Rock and Roll?
6. A fan of Waters' music, which acclaimed film director has featured Waters' music in films like The Color of Money, Goodfellas, and Casino?
7. With his trademark percussive and slide techniques, Rolling Stone lists Muddy Waters as the 49th greatest what?
8. Which of the following songs was NOT recorded by Muddy Waters?
9. Waters' last public performance was with which blues-rock guitarist's band in 1982?
10. Alongside Roy Orbison, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, an B.B. King, Waters was posthumously inducted into what institution in 1987?