American Patriot Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Carol Burnett
Carol Burnett, a titan of American television, stage, and film, was born on April 26, 1933 in San Antonio, Texas.

Take the quiz to learn more.
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1. Carol Burnett's comedy-variety show, The Carol Burnett Show, premiered in what year?
2. Burnett played Miss Hannigan, a cruel orphanage manager, in what 1982 musical to film adaption?
3. During question and answer sessions on The Carol Burnett Show, Carol Burnett would often perform the yell of which Edgar Rice Burroughs character?
4. In 1969, Burnett became the first celebrity guest to appear on which long-running children's TV show?
5. Burnett made her Broadway debut in 1959 in what musical adaption of The Princess and the Pea?
6. In a sketch parody of Gone With The Wind on The Carol Burnett Show, Burnett plays Starlet O'Hara and wears a dress made out of a what?
7. Named after an American author and humorist, Burnett received what prestigious prize for American humor in 2013?
8. Which of the following celebrities never appeared on The Carol Burnett Show?
9. In 1973, Burnett joined Michael Caine, Charlton Heston, and Rock Hudson as a co-host for what awards ceremony?
10. What did Burnett include in her signature send off at the end of each performance on The Carol Burnett Show?