American Patriot Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Founding Father Samuel Adams
Take our quiz and celebrate the birthday of Founding Father Samuel Adams, who was born on September 27th, 1722.

Take the quiz to learn more.
American Patriot Quiz Image
1. Samuel Adams was born in September of 1722 in what colonial city?
2. Adams founded what organization whose motto became "No taxation without representation?"
3. Samuel Adams is often associated with what famous act of colonial rebellion in 1773?
4. After the Boston Massacre of 1770, in which British soldiers fired shots into a mob of colonists, Adams convinced whom to defend the British soldiers in a trial?
5. Adams graduated from what college located in Cambridge, Massachusetts?
6. Adams helped draft what pre-cursor to the Constitution?
7. Adams signed what document as a delegate of Massachusetts?
8. Sam Adams held what job for nine years?
9. Which founding father and writer of the Declaration of Independence referred to Adams as "truly the Man of the Revolution?"
10. Though Samuel Adams Beer is named after Adams, the Samuel Adams Beer logo is thought to be a depiction of what other famous patriot?