O'Reilly's History Quiz
How Well Do You Know Wisconsin?
Wisconsin was admitted to the Union on May 29, 1848, and became what numbered state?

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1. Wisconsin was admitted to the Union on May 29, 1848, and became what state?
2. Wisconsin is nicknamed what?
3. Who was the first European explorer to discover Wisconsin's Lake Michigan?
4. Only after what war did the number of European-American settlers first increase in Wisconsin?
5. German political refugees found their way to Wisconsin in the nineteenth century. They brought with them German modes of education, and opened the first what in the United States in 1856?
6. Also a by-product of many German immigrants, what city became the home of four well-known brewers by the end of the nineteenth century?
7. Great agriculture makes Wisconsin the leading producer of what in the U.S.?
8. What famous prairie author was born and partially raised in Pepin, Wisconsin?
9. The passage of what act led Alvan Bovay of Ripon, Wisconsin, to create a new political party against the expansion of slavery?
10. Wisconsinite Victor Berger was the first of what party to be elected to Congress in 1911?