O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on U.S. Flight History
The first U.S. air combat mission took place in what year?

Take O'Reilly's History Quiz to learn more.
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1. The first U.S. air combat mission took place in what year?
2. The first U.S. air combat mission was supporting troops who were trying to capture who?
3. When was the first aerial combat victory?
4. What year did the Wright Brothers pilot the first airplane?
5. What year was the first passenger killed in a plane?
6. When was the first commercial airplane crossing of the Pacific?
7. Who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean?
8. During what presidency were metal detectors installed in airports?
9. Who was the first person to survive crossing the sound barrier - Mach 1?
10. It could be argued that what airplane ended World War II?