Top Story Quiz
Trump's Latest Controversies
It's been a busy week for the Trump campaign, with a series of controversial town hall meetings and battery charges against the GOP frontrunner's campaign manager.

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1. Corey Lewandowski was charged with battery for roughing up a female reporter with which news outlet?
2. In which state did the incident occur?
3. Ms. Fields was asking the candidate a question on which issue when Lewandowski allegedly forcibly pulled her to the ground?
4. Trump has insinuated which object in Michelle Fields' hand could have been perceived as a threat to him?
5. Sixteen conservative female media members penned an open letter calling on Trump to fire his campaign manager. Which of the following did not sign the statement?
6. Lewandowski had a precious brush with the law when he tried to bring what into a federal building on Capitol Hill?
7. During a town hall on MSNBC this week, Trump stirred up controversy when he said he believed in punishment for what?
8. During an interview with which newsman in 1999 did Trump famously declare himself "very pro-choice?"
9. While speaking with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Trump slammed President Obama for calling which issue the biggest global threat?
10. Fox News is hosting a town hall with Donald Trump on Sunday, two days before the primary in which state?