Top Story Quiz
Quiz: Trump Softens Stance on Immigration
It has been an interesting week in politics as Donald Trump softens his stance on immigration. How closely have you been following the story?
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1. How many illegal immigrants are estimated to live in the United States?
2. The Trump campaign postponed a major immigration address in which state this week?
3. Which conservative pundit released a book this week saying "The one thing Trump could never be forgiven for is changing his position on immigration?"
4. In an appearance on CNN, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway sought to differentiate his immigration stance from which former GOP rival?
5. Which Republican president signed a law granting millions of illegals a path to citizenship?
6. On the campaign trail this week, Trump insisted any immigration policy must pass three broad tests. Which of the following is not one of those tests?
7. In an effort to court minority voters, Trump made headlines for collectively asking African-Americans which question?
8. Where did Trump meet with African-American and Latino activists this week?
9. What percentage of the black vote do polls show Trump getting in the key battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania?
10. The Clinton campaign released an ad linking Trump to which group?