News Quiz
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
Have you been paying attention to the people and events making headlines this week?

Try to beat last week's 5.6 average!
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1. The recent flood of WikiLeaks revelations results from the hacking of a top Clinton campaign aide's emails. Who?
2. Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, lives in which city?
3. Last week Donald Trump proclaimed that they are finally off. What?
4. One of the women accusing Donald Trump of past sexual harassment worked for which celebrity magazine at the time?
5. Which prominent Democrat has suggested that Hillary Clinton should consider skipping this week's third and final debate?
6. Which major presidential poll has consistently been an outlier, usually showing Donald Trump with a lead?
7. After the king died last week, bars were closed and all 'joyful events' suspended for a month. Which nation?
8. 'Under Hillary Clinton, we could slide into nuclear war very quickly.' Who said it?
9. Mark Dayton complained last week that the Affordable Care Act is 'no longer affordable.' That is notable because he holds what position?
10. One of these teams will absolutely, positively not be World Series champion. Which?