News Quiz
News Quiz: D-Day, a Debate, and a Departing Host
This week's News Quiz includes D-Day, a Debate, and a Departing Host.
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1. President Biden's supporters and aides were incensed last week by an article in which publication?
2. The first presidential debate, now less than three weeks away, will be held where?
3. Hunter Biden's trial in Delaware included testimony by Hallie Biden. How is she related to Hunter?
4. Last week a federal judge ordered a former Trump aide to report to jail by July 1. Who?
5. Which world leader was NOT present at last week's D-Day tribute?
6. Meanwhile, Joe Biden claims that he has known which world leader for forty years?
7. Which company reached a market capitalization of $3-trillion last week, a valuation previously attained only by Microsoft and Apple?
8. A woman named Claudia Sheinbaum made headlines last week. Who is she?
9. Which nation in the Middle East is the largest foreign donor to American universities?
10. Which game show host has stepped down after more than four decades on the same show?