The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Impact Segment
Truth Serum
Factor Followup
Watters' World
Factor Mail
Tip of the Day
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Thursday: Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Plan
Hillary's Foreign Policy
"In San Diego this afternoon Secretary Clinton laid out her foreign policy vision, much of it attacking Donald Trump as a primary enemy of the state. 'Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different,' she said, 'they are dangerously incoherent.' A few times she veered off into other territory like ISIS, saying, 'We need to take out their strongholds in Iraq and Syria by intensifying the air campaign and stepping up support for Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground.' That's the same policy as Mr. Obama - contain ISIS using air power and weak allied forces, which can't possibly defeat the vicious terror crew. There comes a point when American voters must recognize that policies depending on foreign cooperation rarely work. If we want ISIS defeated, we are going to have to lead the way. If we don't, the savages will continue to murder people consistently. Secretary Clinton also briefly discussed Putin and China, but again brought it back to Trump. So today's foreign policy speech was really an attempt to whip up anti-Trump feeling in California, which the Clinton campaign believes will mobilize voters to choose her over Sanders next Tuesday. Hillary Clinton knows the world, no question about that. But so far I am not seeing many innovative foreign policy pronouncements. If she wants to run on what President Obama has done, that's fine and voters will determine the wisdom of that approach. But if Secretary Clinton has any new ideas, they are still being kept top secret."

Democrat Mary Anne Marsh and Republican Katie Pavlich debated the Clinton foreign policy speech. "What Hillary Clinton did today," Marsh said, "was define the general election, define Donald Trump, and define herself. Her weapon of choice was words and she used Donald Trump's own words against him." Pavlich theorized that Clinton is positioning herself as an interventionist. "I actually thought she revisited her reputation of being somewhat hawkish, it was clear to me that she is pivoting toward the general election and away from her far-left base. But she did attack Trump more than she provided substance and what she said doesn't match her record on foreign policy." The Factor beseeched both candidates to "stop with the nonsense and tell us what you'll do to protect us from the madness."
State Department Controversy
The State Department now admits that it intentionally deleted a crucial portion of a 2013 exchange between Fox News correspondent James Rosen and then-State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki. Rosen entered the No Spin Zone to elaborate. "The motivation behind this deliberate censorship," he theorized, "was because Jen Psaki essentially acknowledged that her predecessor had lied to me and the rest of my colleagues about the Iran nuclear talks." Rosen added that he is unsure who ordered the now-notorious edit. "I am not prepared to speculate who issued this order. Jen Psaki has denied it in a very heated email exchange with me. The State Department says they don't know who did it and that they don't have the technology to trace all of the calls that went to the person on the receiving end of this order. I find that hard to imagine."
Lack of Action in Washington
After The Factor denounced Congress for failing to pass some version of Kate's Law, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went on a radio talk show and said this: "Bill is having a hard time understanding how the Senate works .. we can't pass it all by itself." The host of that radio program, Dom Giordano, spoke about his conversation with Senator McConnell. "I'm not buying what he says," Giordano declared, "and I didn't feel any anger on his part. He doesn't get why we are so angry about this, to him this is just another 'thing' like so many other things in Washington. Viewers and listeners want something done, we're not asking for miracles." The Factor angrily asked, "Why not just take Kate's Law and put it as a stand alone and see which senators are going to spit in the eye of all law-abiding Americans?"
Troubling Statistics on Teen Drivers
New stats from AAA show that texting while driving is a leading cause of teen traffic deaths. The Factor asked FNC's Arthel Neville and Eric Shawn to administer some truth serum. "This AAA study says that this summer from Memorial Day through Labor Day," Shawn began, "1,000 Americans will be killed on our roads in crashes caused by teenage drivers. The majority of them will be texting or talking to their friends. This is getting worse with the kids - 70% of them admit that they talk on the phone while they drive." Neville focused on a website called, which is accused of providing an outlet for illicit sexual encounters and child trafficking. "The Senate voted to hold the CEO of this website, Carl Ferrer, in contempt because he didn't show up for a hearing about online sex trafficking. The Senate also subpoenaed Backpage for internal company documents about underage sex." The Factor declared, "This website should be shut down."
President Obama Fires at Fox
President Obama took some verbal shots at Fox News and conservative talk radio for not giving him enough credit for rescuing the economy. Former Bush advisor and 'The Five' co-host Dana Perino analyzed the president's remarks. "I think President Obama got several things wrong yesterday," she said. "I understand where he's coming from, but the Republicans have a good case to make that this is the weakest recovery from any recession. The other things is that he said this in Indiana, where the Republican governor and legislature had a lot to do with the recovery there. Republicans have a pretty good case to make." The Factor concluded, "President Obama sincerely believes that Fox News wants to do him ill."
Airport Chaos
Amid all the recent airport chaos, Jesse Watters paid a visit to EWR, also known as Newark Airport. Here is what a few of the frustrated travelers had to say: "I was supposed to fly to Nebraska, but I spent the night in Chicago with hundreds of other people" ... "The flight crew was late getting on, which caused us to miss our layover" ... "I've waited in security over two hours here in Newark" ... "I've been groped before."
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Missy Snelling, Charlottesville, VA: "Trump gets testy? He calls a reporter a 'sleaze' and others scum? What if he did that to you, Bill?"

Sanjay Sharma, Portland, OR: "Bill, the only people blasting Trump for criticizing the media are you and other elitists."
Factor On Top ... Again
The Factor once again reigned as the highest-rated cable news show in May, as it has been for more than 15 years in a row. We thank all of you for making that happen.