The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, June 10, 2016
The Factor Rundown
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Eric Bolling
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Factor Special: Trump vs. Clinton: The Battle Lines Are Drawn
Will Hillary's Endorsements Help or Hurt?
Eric began Friday's program with political analysts Tony Sayegh and Jessica Tarlov, who assessed the effect of Hillary Clinton's endorsements by President Obama and other top Democrats. "Hillary Clinton has not solved any of her larger problems," declared the Republican Sayegh. "Only 34% of voters say she has the integrity to be commander-in-chief, and 60% believe she's lying about the emails. So Hillary seems to always have good news stories that never really materialize because of her structural deficits as a candidate. Most Americans consistently say that the country is going in the wrong direction, so the best thing for Donald Trump would be if President Obama plays a large role in this campaign." Tarlov, a Democratic pollster, reached a different conclusion. "President Obama is very popular and his endorsement was on Thursday and so I'm interested to see where we are at the beginning of next week. Donald Trump has lost ground among independents, a group he really needs. He is losing endorsements while Hillary Clinton is gaining them."
Fresh Trouble for Hillary Clinton
As polls indicate that a majority of Americans believe Hillary Clinton is dishonest, a new report claims that she sent and received emails about secret drone attacks. Eric asked Tim Fitton of the conservative group Judicial Watch and former Clinton aide Richard Goodstein to assess the report. "If I didn't know I was on The O'Reilly Factor," Goodstein scoffed, "I would think I am on a Saturday Night Live skit. You're making such a fuss about emails that did not mention the CIA, drones, or details about militant targets. These are emails Hillary did not write and were not marked classified. She did not engage in criminal conduct!" But Fitton contended that Clinton almost certainly broke laws. "She knew these coded emails were about the most sensitive classified drone operations in Pakistan. She should have known that she should not have been talking about that over these unsecure lines. I think she may be indicted, there is no doubt she mishandled classified information."
Elizabeth Warren on the Warpath
Left-wing Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered a scathing attack on Donald Trump this week, denouncing him as a "loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud." Liberal political observer Simon Rosenberg opined on Warren's verbal barrage. "If you're a Republican and you're looking for Donald Trump to raise his game," Rosenberg said, "this has been a bad week. He has given two speeches in which he tried to be more controlled, and then right away he attacked Joe Scarborough and Elizabeth Warren. Every time he does that he is not attacking Hillary Clinton, so I think this is a disaster for the Republicans. He's taking his eye off the ball while Democrats have already unleashed brutal attack ads in the battleground states." But Eric theorized, "This could be good for Trump if he brings them down to the Twitter war level."
No Spin Interview with Trump
Eric introduced excerpts from Bill's Tuesday interview with Donald Trump, who tried to explain his negative and arguably racist comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is ruling on a case involving lawsuits against Trump University. "I have had very unfair decisions," Trump insisted. "People said this should have gone away a long time ago in summary judgment, and we are being treated unfairly." When pressed about the wisdom of bringing up the judge's ethnicity, Trump blamed the media for their unrelenting focus on the issue. "I want to talk about how lousy the economy is, I want to talk about how badly we are doing against ISIS, and how badly we are doing on the border. But every time I go on a show all they want to talk about is Trump University. Thousands and thousands of students have signed documents saying it was a great school, that they learned a lot." Of course, Trump also lobbed a few verbal grenades at his presumptive opponent. "Hillary Clinton is not honest, I don't think even think she is capable. She has made so many bad decisions and she would be a disaster as president of our country."
Will Sanders' Supporters Back Hillary?
Eric welcomed columnist and editor Emily Shire, who scrutinized the millions of mostly young people who came under the spell of Bernie Sanders. "They're the people who really have mistrust in the government," she said, "and in many ways they are really similar to the people who got Donald Trump nominated. On both sides there is strong anger aimed at those who are seen as candidates of the government, and that's certainly Hillary Clinton." Despite that anger, Shire dismissed the idea that Sanders loyalists will switch their allegiance to Donald Trump. "I don't think Sanders supporters will jump to Trump. They certainly know he does not speak to their values regarding abortion, immigration, and college tuition. Perhaps they won't vote, but I highly doubt that they'll vote for Trump."
Hillary Clinton Lauds Planned Parenthood
Hillary Clinton addressed the Planned Parenthood Action Fund Friday and vowed to always support the abortion provider. Eric discussed the speech with Democratic strategist Julie Roginsky and Republican Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Hillary Clinton is this interesting combination," Dannenfelser said, "of old-guard 70s feminist and good-old-boy politician. What is most alienating is her extreme abortion position. She recently said that an unborn person has no rights up until the time of birth and she is in favor of full public funding of abortion. She's losing her base on this." Roginsky, on the other hand, vigorously defended Hillary Clinton's laudatory talk to Planned Parenthood. "A lot of women rely on Planned Parenthood for screenings and mammograms and ob-gyn checks. So a lot of women have a very favorable opinion of Planned Parenthood that has nothing to do with their position on abortion. It was very smart of Hillary Clinton to go to Planned Parenthood."
Is Latino Support For Trump Rising?
A new study shows that Donald Trump is actually improving his favorability among Hispanic voters. Eric spoke with the study's author Lili Gil Valletta. "Since January Donald Trump has gone from 14% positive opinion among Hispanics to 37%," she reported. "This is the unbiased and unfiltered opinion of voters, I am actually reading the digital discussions of voters." But immigration activist Francisco Hernandez ridiculed the notion that Latino voters are flocking to Trump. "If Donald Trump had zero Hispanic support and then went to 1%, you could call it a 100% increase. It doesn't mean he's really increasing his standing among voters or that these people are going to vote."