The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Factor Rundown
Guest Host
Bill reports from Los Angeles tonight.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Week in Review Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Personal Story Segment
The Kelly File Segment
Back of Book Segment
Pinheads and Patriots
Factor Mail
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Is America sliding towards socialism?
"There are people who want the government to control the economy and control how much money you have. Leading that charge is New York Times columnist and Princeton professor Paul Krugman. For years he has been promoting massive government spending, income redistribution, and the socialist buzzwords 'economic justice.' That is the crux of President Obama's dilemma right now - whether the government should take over the economy or whether we ride out a painful chapter and let the private sector deal with it. A new Fox News poll says 51% of Americans support the stimulus package, down from 58% last month. And so we have a struggle between traditional conservative Americans who want the private economy to continue its dominance and the liberal/socialist crew who want the government to run the show. Do we really want to turn America into Sweden?"

For another point of view, The Factor asked two liberal voices whether the U.S. is headed toward the Swedish model. "I don't think it's socialism," said professor Caroline Heldman. "The nationalization of the banks is probably inevitable - as with FDR, we're in a great depression and we're looking at a temporary situation, but we are not on the path to become Sweden." Radio talk show host Alan Colmes concurred that America will not be a socialist nation. "We toss around the word 'socialism' like it's a terrible thing, but the fact is that we're not purely a capitalist society. We're a combination of things and there already is some government control." The Factor argued that both Heldman and Colmes are advocating socialism by a different name. "Both of you guys want the banks to be run by the government and health care to be run by the government. And you're telling me it's not socialism?"

News Link: Are Obama's policies ushering in socialism?
Laura Ingraham: Muslim TV exec beheads wife
Buffalo television executive Muzzammil Hassan, founder of a TV network devoted to showing the "moderate" side of Islam, is charged with beheading his wife. The Factor was joined by Fox News analyst Laura Ingraham, who condemned the media for ignoring the "honor killing." "NBC, CBS and ABC have not done stories on this horrific beheading," Ingraham complained. "They don't want to risk the backlash by Muslim groups and they're very afraid. But if this were Pat Robertson who lit his wife on fire, they'd be all over it." Ingraham also analyzed Pope Benedict's admonition of Nancy Pelosi and other pro-choice Catholics. "The Pope has said that if you're a legislator or a judge, you have the duty to protect life from conception to natural death. This idea of 'cafeteria Catholics' is coming to a head now." The Factor questioned whether any reporters will pursue the story. "The media is flat out corrupt, and it will be interesting if anybody who interviews Nancy Pelosi will bring this up."

News Link: Muslim man beheads wife in Buffalo
Victim of chimp mauling remains in critical condition
55-year-old Charla Nash, who was savagely attacked by her friend's pet chimp, remains in critical condition. The Factor spoke with Fox reporter Lisa Evers, who has been covering the story. "They took Charla Nash to the Cleveland Clinic," Evers reported, "because it is one of the top hospitals and they did the first successful face transplant in the country. A team of doctors is checking her to see what kind of surgery they'll be doing to reconstruct her face and hands." The Factor pursued another aspect of the story with Leslie Mostel Paul, who was attacked by the same chimp in 1996. "I was waiting for my son," Paul recalled, "and Sandra Herold pulled in with the chimpanzee in her Corvette. I was curious and I went over to the car. We talked for a little while, and when I extended my hand to shake hands with the chimp he grabbed my hand and chomped down on it." The Factor criticized authorities for ignoring that 1996 attack. "It seems to me that if you were bitten and the police knew about it, this should have been part of the public record that this animal was dangerous."

News Link: Chimp attack victim hanging on
Questions raised about alleged 13-year-old father
According to press reports, 13-year-old Alfie Patten fathered a baby in Great Britain. But British reporter Simon Newton told The Factor that there are doubts about the baby's paternity. "The latest twist in this story," Newton said, "is that Chantelle Steadman, the mother of this baby, was reportedly sleeping with up to five boys. And the allegation is that Chantelle's parents told her to say Alfie was the father because it would make the story more bankable and they could get more money from the newspapers. This story is causing a national debate about parenting in Britain."

News Link: 13-year-old father a hoax?
New details in Caylee Anthony case
FNC anchor Megyn Kelly began with the news that "octo-mom" Nadya Suleman's home is in foreclosure. "Her grandmother owns the house," Kelly said, "and she is reportedly $23,000 behind in payments. And Nadya has gone on a spending spree, buying makeup and looking at a $1.2 million home. TMZ reports that she has a deal to sell pictures of the octuplets, and the deal must be a beauty." Kelly then opined on the San Diego firemen who were compelled to march in a gay parade. "They were subjected to sexual innuendo," Kelly said, "and they sued, asking for a million dollars each. How ridiculous! This is where people go over the top - they have a legitimate gripe and then convert it into a massive lawsuit. The jury did the right thing and awarded only a few thousand bucks." Kelly concluded with the latest in the case against accused baby-killer Casey Anthony. "Her diary has entries like 'I have no regrets,' and 'I hope the ends justify the means.' If she wrote this a few days after her child disappeared, it's not good."

News Link: Octomom family facing foreclosure
Reality Check: The lowest-rated Oscars ever?
With the Academy Awards coming up Sunday, The Factor offered this Reality Check: "There's absolutely no buzz at all here in Los Angeles and I predict this will be the lowest-rated Oscar telecast in history. I believe 'Slumdog Millionaire' will win best picture, as it deserves. Frank Langella should win best actor for his performance as President Nixon, but Mr. Langella humanized Nixon, so he will lose political points from some members of the very liberal academy. Best actress, Kate Winslet; best supporting actor, the late Heath Ledger; and best supporting actress, Penelope Cruz." The Factor concluded with a check of gratitude: "I want to thank all of you for making February another huge month for The Factor. So far we are beating CNN 3 - 1 and MSNBC by almost as much. That makes us very happy because NBC News continues to be dishonest."
Heidi Klum & Ludacris
Thursday's Patriot: Model Heidi Klum, who is now a spokesperson for a campaign to recycle clothing. And the Pinhead: The foul-mouthed Ludacris, who rapped about the "white people" who buy his records.
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Jake Scott, Idaho: "O'Reilly, please don't put pythons in the same category as chimpanzees. Most large snakes are very well-mannered and great pets to have."

Bill Mansour, Lehigh University: "Bill, love the Factor because you continue to educate me. Your assertion that chimpanzees should not drive cars is truly brilliant."

Jake Hankins, Sweet Home, OR: "Father Morris made a good point. Slavery was once legal in America. Would Nancy Pelosi have upheld those rights?"

Peter Gugerell, Queens, NY: "O'Reilly, when you said Dennis Miller had on-camera experience with a chimp, I thought you were referring to his appearances on the Factor."