The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Factor Rundown
Guest Host
Monica Crowley fills in tonight.
Top Story
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Factor Flashback Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
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Racial controversy out of Mass. gains national attention
Monica began with the controversy surrounding Henry Louis Gates, the black Harvard professor who was arrested for disorderly conduct after police responded to a reported break-in. Gates claims he is a victim of racial profiling, and President Obama jumped in the fray by accusing the police of acting "stupidly." Monica spoke about the president's reaction with two prominent black men, author Earl Ofari Hutchinson and conservative Bob Parks. "Racial profiling has been a major point of contention in this country," Hutchinson said. "President Obama was giving a personal reaction to a question and the president himself, coming from Chicago, probably dealt with this issue many times." But Parks argued that President Obama had no business judging the case. "I find it ironic that the same president who had to compose himself after the violence in Iran took an opportunity to make a statement here, even after conceding that he didn't have all the facts. The president should choose his words more carefully, and 'no comment' would have been apropos." Monica accused President Obama of "wading unnecessarily and irresponsibly into racial politics."

Monica pursued the story of the Gates arrest with former New York City police officers Eric Adams and Pat Brosnan. "We have certain indisputable facts here," Brosnan began. "There were two individuals trying to force a door open in a residential neighborhood. When Gates refused to produce identification, he set into motion a sequence of significant events. Had he presented valid photo ID, it would have ended then. There were eight eye- and ear-witnesses to this." But Adams called the arrest disproportionate and unwarranted. "You can not arrest a person for disorderly conduct unless it's in a public place. It is not a crime to be disrespectful, discourteous or even to be foolish to a police officer. The officer should have left the scene."
Congress likely to delay vote on Obama-care
Despite President Obama's best efforts, Congress will not vote on health care reform until after its August recess. Monica asked pollster Scott Rasmussen to assess the public's desire for health care legislation. "The trends are not good for the president and his plan," Rasmussen reported. "Before last night's speech, 53% of Americans were opposed to the package now in Congress, and the intensity is with those who are opposed. It's very difficult to pass health care reform because most Americans have insurance, and 70% of those rate their own coverage as good or excellent." Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the National Institutes of Health, denounced the current legislation. "If this 1,000 page bill goes into law, it would be very damaging to 300-million Americans. The biggest concern I have is for the patients and doctors who will know there is a good treatment but have no option to have it paid for. We're not hearing straight talk and it leaves people uneasy."
A growing rift amongst Democrats?
With Democrats feuding over health care, energy legislation and other issues, Monica asked columnist Michael Goodwin to elaborated on the moderate "blue dog" Democrats. "The blue dogs are like the canaries in the coal mine," Goodwin said, "and they are telling the president that the public is not with him. They come from districts that gave Congress and the presidency to the Democrats, and if President Obama tries to crush the blue dogs he runs the risk of losing Congress in the next election. The public at large has turned against the deficit and the free spending." Monica suggested that President Obama's base is growing restless. "It wasn't supposed to be this hard with a Democratic president and huge Democratic majorities in Congress. But the more time the public has to examine what the Democrats want to do, they are not pleased with it."
Harry Alford responds to Barbara Boxer
Monica reprised Bill's must-see Monday night interview with Harry Alford, head of the Black Chamber of Commerce, who accused Senator Barbara Boxer of racial condescension during a hearing on the environment. "What she did was pure race," Alford declared. "It was ugly and she opened up a mud pit that I wasn't going to jump into. She loves black people to be in their place and when she gets up against a wall, race comes out. The way she treated Condoleezza Rice during her confirmation hearings was just terrible. I've gotten a great fan club now because a lot of people don't like Barbara Boxer." Senator Boxer refused an invitation to appear on the program, but Bill surmised how she would defend herself: "You stunned her, but Barbara Boxer would say 'I love black people, I'm a liberal and I want the best for black people.' I don't think she feels this is a racial argument, she feels it's an ideological argument."
Some blaming Erin Andrews for revealing tape
ESPN sports reporter Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped while naked in her hotel room - the video was put on the Internet and police are investigating. Meanwhile, another sports reporter, Christine Brennan, accused Andrews of playing up her good looks and sexuality, thus encouraging some "nutcase to drill a hole in a room." Attorney Sharon Liko entered the No Spin Zone and harshly condemned Brennan's analysis. "That statement is absolutely outrageous," Liko said. "It's archaic, it's chauvinistic, and it was made by a woman. Erin Andrews is a sportscaster who is young and attractive and knows her field, but the sickos follow these kind of people." Monica added that some women are especially vicious to other females: "The idea that a woman is inviting this kind of lewd behavior, I thought we were beyond this. It sounds like the bad old days when men used to say that if a woman wears a short skirt, she's asking to be raped."
Surgeon general nominee criticized for being fat
Dr. Regina Benjamin, President Obama's choice to be Surgeon General, has been called a poor role model because she is overweight. Monica was joined by anti-obesity crusader Meme Roth, who weighed in on the matter. "This was a real blunder by the Obama administration," Roth opined. "She clearly doesn't meet the requisites of mindful eating and daily exercise, and we are facing such a challenge in the twin public health crises of obesity and diabetes. We need a role model who promotes good health and exercise." Monica pointed out that Dr. Benjamin isn't the first non-svelte top-doc. "Joycelyn Elders had some heft and C. Everett Koop wasn't exactly Speedo-worthy, so are we holding her up to a higher standard? Maybe she is exactly the kind of spokesperson we need because she could come out and say we're going to do this together."