The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Impact Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
At Your Beck and Call Segment
Back of Book Segment
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Pinheads and Patriots
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Black Panther polling intimidation story explodes
"In January 2009 three Black Panthers were charged with violating the Voting Rights Act when two of them stood in front of a Philadelphia polling place, one of them holding a club. There is no doubt the Panthers committed the act, but the Obama administration moved to dismiss criminal action against the Panthers. On Friday, testifying in front of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Christopher Coates - former chief of the Justice Department's voting section - accused the Obama administration of ignoring the law. Not only did Coates indict Attorney General Eric Holder for failing to uphold the law, he accused members of the Justice Department of racism. Mr. Coates' comments echo those of J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney. So there seems to be little doubt that Attorney General Holder did not uphold the law, which is his sworn duty. The entire case is troubling, but it's also stupid. Those Black Panthers should have been prosecuted and there is no question that this story is a major embarrassment for the Justice Department and the Obama administration."

The Factor was joined by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who has been investigating the Black Panther story. "Christopher Coates' bosses at the Department of Justice told him not to comply with the subpoena," Kelly reported, "and for months he listened to them. But finally he said this case has gotten to the point of ridiculousness and he decided to comply. He is risking his job to do this." Kelly endeavored to put the case in perspective. "This is not just about the New Black Panthers, this is about allegations from two Justice Department lawyers who say there is a policy that cases will not be pursued if the victim is white. If this is true, they are not living up to the mandate of equal justice under the law." The Factor decried the apparent double standard at DOJ: "If minorities are being harassed at the voting place, they're all over it. But if it's white people they're not interested. That's the story!"
Stephen Colbert testifies in front of Congress
Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert, who recently spent a day on a farm for a comedy bit, was invited to testify at a Congressional hearing on migrant workers. FNC analysts Dana Perino and Leslie Marshall agreed that the "testimony" was a travesty. "This is an issue that deserves attention," Perino said, "but Colbert's 'shtick' backfired. It really wasn't that funny and House Democrats didn't even know he was going to be in character. What we saw in Congress today was silly." Marshall accused the committee of embarrassing itself. "This was mocking our system when we have enough to be angry with, and I found a lot of what he said very offensive. Stephen Colbert may be a great comedian, but that's were he belongs." The Factor concluded that migrant farm work is no laughing matter: "This makes a joke out of something that's deadly serious. Migrant workers, particularly illegal aliens, are exploited and brutalized."
Mexico's border fence... with Guatemala
Even as Mexico protests the border fence being built on the U.S. border, the Mexican government wants to build a fence on its own southern border with Guatemala. The Factor asked immigration activist Juan Hernandez about the apparent hypocrisy. "What a bad PR move this is for Mexico," Hernandez admitted. "But President Calderon is doing everything he can to attack these drug lords so we don't have to fight them in the United States, and now he's even willing to build a wall so people from Central and South America don't come through Mexico to get to the United States. God bless Felipe Calderon, who is risking his own life." The Factor wasn't quite ready to "bless" Calderon: "I would praise 'El Presidente' if he wasn't such a hypocrite. I've said many times that Calderon is a brave man, but you can't whine about a fence and then build your own fence with the same purpose - to keep people and drugs out of Mexico. People watching know this is hypocritical."
Union workers caught drinking, smoking pot on the job
A Detroit TV station shot undercover footage of workers guzzling beer and smoking weed during their lunch break at Chrysler, which received billions in bailout money. Geraldo Rivera entered the No Spin Zone with more on the story. "Bravo to this reporter," Rivera said. "In the era of the blow dryer, you don't see a lot of investigative reporting, but he busted these guys pure and simple. They were nabbed and they expressed their guilt by running away." But Rivera groused that the drunken and drugged-up workers will not pay a heavy price. "They have been suspended without pay, but under the Americans with Disability Act, they can be declared disabled by going into a rehab program. They will get their jobs back and they will be paid for their suspension. The Factor ridiculed the workers and their "right" to treatment: "Why don't we just buy them the drugs and the alcohol? That would be cheaper!"
Glenn Beck on Bill's interview with Stewart
Comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will hold rallies on the National Mall next month. The Factor asked Glenn Beck, who had his own massive rally, to react to this mock homage. "I'm totally cool with this," Beck replied. "How could I possibly have a problem with someone else doing what I did? I think Jon Stewart is funny - I don't think he's fair, but his job is to be funny and if I were him I'd also be mocking me. I'm the easiest target, and any joke Jon Stewart has done I have done at least five times already." The Factor offered Beck some unsolicited advice: "If you didn't cry on your broadcast they wouldn't have much on you. Once in a while you break down, and if you didn't do that they'd have to go after me."
Dumbest things of the week
FNC's Arthel Neville and Greg Gutfeld named the dumbest happenings of the past week. Gutfeld picked the town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, where parking tickets now feature drawings of different yoga positions. "The ticket comes in an envelope," Gutfeld explained, "that includes instructions on how to perform yoga. The city transportation chief believes this will debunk the idea that all parking tickets are a hostile action. It's hilarious because there is nothing more hostile than yoga - people who do yoga generally are miserable." Neville mocked The Factor for joking to Jon Stewart that his Washington rally will be overrun by drug dealers. "Every now and then you are brilliant," Neville said, "but this was dopey. What you suggested is not going to happen!"
Factor viewers sound off
Kirk Wells, Camarillo, CA: "Bill, you are a brave man debating legal matters with Megyn Kelly. She obviously upstages you and is smarter than you are. That explains why she has a two hour program and you only have one hour."

Peter Laurino, Miramar, FL: "Bill, when Megyn is on can you tell the director to stay on her even when you are talking?"

Keith Morrison, DeWitt, IA: "O'Reilly, great interview with Jon Stewart! Is it me, or is Stewart starting to look like Glenn Beck?"

Deloris Dutoi, Mishawaka, IN: "Mr. O'Reilly, you were a pinhead in your segment with Stewart. It is beneath you to call his book 'gibberish.'"
An Obama and A Bomber
Friday's Patriot: Michelle Obama, who asked employers to hire military veterans and their spouses. And the Pinhead: Former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who was denied 'professor emeritus' status at the University of Illinois because he dedicated one of his books to Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy.