The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, August 9, 2013
The Factor Rundown
Guest Host
Greg Gutfeld
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
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The President and the Public
"To me, President Obama is an aloof salesman who's not even sold on his own product. He's selling used Pintos but he really wants to push Jaguars, and it's hard to lead when you dislike the very thing you lead and you're embarrassed. We need to admit this sobering fact: He's just not that into us ... the U.S., that is. Let's face it, we're not cool enough, we aren't progressive enough, we don't like the same music, we hate Obamacare, we don't watch Frontline with Clooney. We are the clumsy oaf responsible for all that's wrong with the world, and that's why he hates these press conferences. He's thinking, 'Do I really need to talk to these people?' He wants to roll with a better crowd and I'm perfectly fine with him seeing other people if it gets him out of the house more."
White House Press Conference
Greg dissected the President's Friday press conference with FNC's Dana Perino, former spokesperson for President Bush. "I always loved press conference day," she said, "and today I would have said this to President Obama: You should do these more often, you dominate the room, you came across as confident and calm.' But the one thing that is unfortunate for him is that the headline that will come out of this is his partisan attack on Republicans over Obamacare." Perino identified what she considered the President's best and worst moments. "The best thing was the way he was humble at the beginning when talking about the NSA program, which he had called a 'phony scandal.' His comments were measured and smart, but I don't know if that will be enough for people who are concerned about other people looking into their email. His worst moment was when he went straight for the partisan jugular over Obamacare, he has no problem with hyperbole when it comes to Republicans."

For two more perspectives on the President's Friday presser, Greg turned to Democratic consultant Zerlina Maxwell and Republican strategist Brad Blakeman "I would give the President a 'B,'" Maxwell began. "I'm really happy with the immigration and Obamacare rhetoric, but not so great with the NSA Edward Snowden rhetoric. I'm not that interested in what he thinks about Snowden as a person, I care about government spying and I want to make sure there are checks and balances in place." Blakeman, not surprisingly, wasn't quite so generous in his grading. "I give him a solid 'D' because this was a news conference with no news. The fact that he had this on a Friday afternoon in August was more of an appeasement to the White House press corps, which felt disrespected by him going on Jay Leno and actually making news. He made news about terrorism on a comedy show! This President has led a charmed life with the people who created him, and that's the media. He gets a free pass." Greg compared the media to "a cheerleading squad that checks its pom poms at the door."
Traveler in Chief?
The President and his family have begun their summer vacation at Martha's Vineyard. Greg asked Fox News contributor Erick Erickson whether Republicans who carp about the President's leisurely pursuits are actually harming their cause. "The President going to Martha's Vineyard and his playing golf are small things," Erickson conceded, "but consider that Washington seems out of touch. 70% of Americans feel the President and Washington in general are really out of touch with ordinary lives, so this does play a role and it paints a picture of an incompetent president. But I would say there are too many conservatives who have gotten very shrill over these small issues and then the media dismisses conservatives as being angry and bitter."
Religious Double Standard
Some liberals, never shy about criticizing Christianity, are up in arms because noted atheist Richard Dawkins has disparaged Muslims. Greg analyzed the dustup with editor Cathy Areu. "He realizes he made a mistake," she said of Dawkins, "and he had to explain his original comments. He's been apologizing left and right because the world said he was a racist and this was discrimination. But when he does it against Christians, no one calls it racism or discrimination." Greg denounced the glaring double standard: "He would never apologize if this was about evangelicals or Baptists or Lutherans. You can do whatever you want to Christians, but if you do anything to Muslims you had better watch out."
The World's Unfriendliest Cities
California is considering a bill that would allow public school students, whether they were born male or female, to use whichever bathroom they believe matches their sexual identity. Greg invited radio talk show hosts Eboni Williams and Mike Gallagher to opine. "Whether or not you like the issue of transgendered people," Williams said, "they are a real part of the American fabric and they're not going anywhere. If we can make it safer for them to get through their classrooms and hallways, I think we should." Gallagher, while sympathetic, warned that there could be unintended consequences. "I don't want to make light of these young people, but there should be counseling or therapy first. Having a girl go into the boys' bathroom or having a boy going into the girls' bathroom is going to cause a lot more problems than intended." The trio turned to a new survey that identified Newark, New Jersey as America's unfriendliest city and Charleston, South Carolina as the friendliest. "I've spent a lot of time in Charleston," Gallagher reported, "and there is something about the Southern manners." Williams lamented that her adopted city of Los Angeles is on the not-so-friendly list. "I've been here for three years and it did take some getting used to, they were not the most welcoming to outsiders. I got the sense that you need to be vetted out here in the West, but in the South there is no vetting necessary. They just welcome you with open arms."
Food Fight!
Some restaurants, concerned that the presence of loud children can annoy other customers, are banning kids during their busiest hours. Greg was joined by attorney and mom-of-five Wendy Murphy, who took issue with the policy. "I think this is mean-spirited," she declared. "When kids are out of control it's not their fault, they can't help it when they're three! If you're going to punish anybody, you should punish the parents who aren't taking responsibility. Forget the sign, 'No Kids.' It should read, 'No Bad Parents Allowed.' Just because there are a few kids who are loud and annoying, you don't fix that problem by banning all kids." Greg concluded with what we believe (and hope) was a joke: "I enjoy eating with children and I often show up uninvited at their birthday parties dressed as a clown. So if I can't go to children's parties, why do they get to go to my restaurants?"