The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Impact Segment
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President Trump and the Culture War
"The Trump administration will succeed or fail based upon its economic programs. If tax cuts, lower regulations, and better trade deals create more well-paying jobs, the president will defeat his enemies. But it seems that Mr. Trump wants to win the culture war as well. And if he really does, he must change his style. At a rally in Florida, the president pointed to Sweden as a country that was having trouble with migrants. That is true, but his words were not precise and his enemies hammered him. Facts will win the culture war, not opinion. And the facts are stark. America is divided on many issues, including national security. Should we have strict immigration enforcement or the lazy attitude of the past where if you overstayed your visa, authorities wouldn't look for you, and if you illegally crossed the border you were released? Last night we told you about a man who had been deported eight times and we reported that not one member of the Democratic party criticized him. Instead, they focused on his son who was taken into custody by ICE along with his father. The same thing happened with Kate Steinle when she was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien criminal who had been deported five times. Most Americans do not want a country with no standards of behavior. But against a determined open border crew, you must zero in on the facts very precisely. The reason we have such a cultural divide in America is that for eight years we had a president who saw the country as a flawed nation. But now we have a president who believes that America is inherently a great nation and wants to restore that mantle. But Mr. Trump often veers from hard facts, which allows the people who despise him to attack. There's no question that criminal illegal aliens are creating havoc all across this country and there's no question the Democratic Party is fine with it. So that's the culture war battle that should be fought. The Trump Administration has an opportunity to win the culture war. In order to do that, discipline and facts must dominate the discourse."

The Factor asked Juan Williams and Lisa Boothe to react. "I don't necessarily agree that President Trump cares much about winning the culture war," Booth theorized. "He said he would be the 'law and order' president and that includes criminal illegal immigration and national security. Something like 50% of federal crimes are committed at the border and illegal aliens are disproportionately in state prisons." Williams agreed that President Trump has to be far more precise when he speaks. "He has to stop shooting from the lip or the hip and just stick to the facts. If you want to win a cultural argument, make sure you know what you're talking about. And I disagree with you when you say criminal illegal aliens are creating havoc in the country."
Deporting Criminal Aliens
Karl Rove entered the No Spin Zone and denounced the Democratic Party's scare tactics regarding deportation. "Homeland Security Secretary Kelly makes it very clear," he said, "that they want to prioritize resources to focus on people who have committed criminal acts. They don't have the resources to round up 11-million people, nor do they have the intention to do that. 74% of the people rounded up by ICE recently had felony criminal records!" The Factor added, "There are 950,000 people with deportations orders right now, so you can expect that Homeland Security will go after them and all hell will break loose."
Immigration and Crime
There has been a raging debate about Muslim refugees and the crime rate in Sweden. President Trump specifically referenced that country's problems at his recent rally, after which the Swedish prime minister ridiculed the president. Dana Perino weighed in on the issue. "The Swedish media have come under scrutiny," she said, "for under-reporting sexual assaults in recent years. They are experiencing the law of good intentions in Sweden - they opened their doors to hundreds of thousands of refugees, but now they have lowered that number because of the many problems. They have given refugees no incentive at all to assimilate." The Factor criticized the lack of transparency in Sweden, saying, "The Swedish government doesn't admit to the world that they have a migrant problem."
African-Americans & Trump
Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was with President Trump Tuesday when he visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture. She joined The Factor to explain her support for the president. "There were 17 candidates on the Republican side," she stated, "and President Trump was always on my short list. One of the very first things he said was that he is pro-life and we will defund Planned Parenthood. That grabbed me, and then he said we will bring jobs back and that the American Dream is still alive." King conceded that most other black Americans are not on the president's side and blamed "fake news" for maligning his character and racial attitudes.
Suing Sanctuary Cities
Some legislators in Colorado want to allow crime victims to sue sanctuary cities if the perpetrator is an illegal immigrant. The Factor analyzed that situation with legal wizards Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eboni Williams. "This is well-intentioned," Guilfoyle said, "and they want to put forth protection for victims of violent crimes. When criminal recidivists enter this country over and over, someone should be held accountable. But the movement in Colorado will not likely succeed." Williams agreed that the legislation could lead to more responsible behavior by state and local officials. "These proposed laws will create a duty that says if a city knew or should have known that there is a violent propensity with these people, then they have a responsibility. You have to be held accountable!"
What the Heck Just Happened?
Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk scrutinized a protest in Chicago, where a group of students took turns swinging sticks at a Donald Trump piñata. "At least the kids are getting exercise while they're being brainwashed," Gutfeld jested. "They're building muscle and they're building intolerance. But there was no candy in the piñata! This is the ultimate symbol of liberalism, you need conservatives to create the candy!" McGuirk hammered the moms and dads who allowed their children to take part in the protest. "The only thing worse than watching these spoiled little punks is watching the smug, sick looks on the faces of the parents while these kids act like ISIS savages. These people should be arrested for forcing their kids to do this!"
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Ben Cook, Syracuse, NY: "What we don't have in the USA is a fair press. But it is a free one."

John Andere, Baltimore, MD: "Bill, you are right that there is no conservative presence at most national media outlets. That is because the people that run those companies don't want one."

Henry Wright, Winchester, KY: "Why does the liberal media want all the benefits of a free press, but not the responsibility to be fair that goes with that?"

Dominique Horton, Blue Hill, ME: "Without Mary Anne Marsh realizing it, she had nowhere to go but acknowledge that liberals dominate the media. That's why you can never retire, Bill. There is no one quite like you."
Sound Advice From The Vatican
Pope Francis is urging parents to make sure their kids don't send text messages during family meals, which should be special times filled with actual conversation.