The Factor Rundown
The USA Attacks Syria
"Last night 60 missiles were launched from American war ships in the eastern Mediterranean. The goal was to destroy an air base from which Syrian planes recently dropped sarin gas on civilians, killing 30 children and 20 women. According to reporting based on a variety of agencies, this is the fifth time, at least, the Syrian dictator Assad has used poison gas to kill civilians. Back in 2012 President Obama threatened Assad, but Assad was not held accountable. Instead, the Obama administration did what it always did, talked and then announced a deal with the dictator. A fascinating footnote is that Susan Rice was on point alongside John Kerry. For years Assad has been protected by the Russians, who were warned the attack was coming last night so they could move their personnel out of the air field. Putin continues to prop up Assad while thousands of people die and at least five million Syrians are refugees. Most sane people support the missile attack last night. When you have war crimes being openly committed, a noble nation will confront that. Also America's national security is in play because poison gas can be used by terrorists and Assad has a close relationship with Iran and Hezbollah. Assad's air force should have been destroyed a long time ago and NATO should have established safe zones inside Syria to protect the innocent. Under President Obama none of that was possible because of his strategy of retreat. But the new president is sending a message to the world: The USA will not tolerate war crimes from nations like Syria. The downside is that for every action, there is a reaction. So security is heightened as we become an even bigger target for evil-doers. Summing up, America was justified in destroying the Syrian airport, rogue nations should be dealt with by the world but if they are not, the lone superpower has a responsibility. Even most Trump-haters in Congress agree that if we can stop children from being gassed to death, we should do so."
The Factor welcomed FNC correspondents John Roberts and Catherine Herridge, who analyzed the attack on Syria and the aftermath. "The president is feeling pretty good about what happened last night," Roberts reported from Florida. "He thinks the military did a terrific job and he is also very happy about the international reaction. But Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is disappointed with the Russian response because it means Russia is still in the camp of Bashar al-Assad." Herridge added that American intelligence agencies are trying to determine whether Russia was complicit in the Syrian gas attack. "The leading edge of this investigation is whether Russia had some role in the chemical attack earlier this week and whether a second strike on that town in Syria was an effort to destroy evidence." Herridge then focused on Sweden, which was hit by a another terror attack Friday. "A truck was hijacked and driven right into a department store in central Stockholm. This fits the profile we've seen with ISIS, which is using trucks and cars to kill people. It's very frightening because these attacks are almost impossible to disrupt."

Assessing the Attack
Military analysts Col. David Hunt and Christopher Harmer provided their expert evaluations of Thursday night's assault on a Syrian airfield. "This was absolutely effective in two ways," Harmer declared. "Number one, in punishing Assad for the use of chemical weapons and also in re-establishing U.S. military credibility in the region. People talk about diplomatic solutions, but there is never a diplomatic solution without military credibility. This attack was a success and I will be very surprised if Assad uses chemical weapons again." Hunt gave a more qualified endorsement to the strike. "It was smart to do this with cruise missiles and the targets were good, but I don't think it guarantees that chemical weapons won't be used again. And I don't think Assad is doing anything without Russian approval and Russian involvement."
Global Implications of Strike on Syria
Foreign policy specialists Gillian Turner and Lt. Col. Dakota Wood looked at the worldwide ramifications of the Syria attack. "There is always the possibility for unintended consequences," Turner said, "but the administration would not have done this had they not 'gamed out' most of the potential side effects and complications. This was not an offensive action that the U.S. took, it was a smart and brave move and a defensive move." Wood theorized that Russia may provoke the United States in other regions of the world. "Putin can do things in Ukraine and he could take much more provocative actions against the Baltic states. There are a lot of other places where Putin can dismember alliances and try to stymie U.S. efforts. With its Security Council veto, Russia can create all kinds of havoc."
Supreme Court Update
Now that Neil Gorsuch has finally been confirmed to the Supreme Court, The Factor invited law professor Jonathan Turley to predict his impact. "I think he is going to improve the court," Turley stated. "This country is better off when you have people who are intellectual leaders, we need people who see a horizon and can describe where the law should go. He is a conservative and a contextualist, he stays very close to the text of the Constitution. He looks back at the original intent behind the words. He is a welcome departure because he has a long record and he is an honest intellectual. I saw no basis to oppose Judge Gorsuch."
Did Trump Go Too Far with Syria?
Not everyone is pleased by President Trump's decision to launch the missile attack on Syria. Among the dissenters are libertarians Nick Gillespie and Emma Ashford, both of whom entered the No Spin Zone. "The attack does nothing to solve the Syrian civil war," Ashford said, "and it does nothing to prevent the killing of Syrian civilians. It makes our anti-ISIS campaign more difficult and it risks dragging us into a larger conflict. I would not have taken military action, I would have tried to re-start diplomatic efforts." Gillespie invoked the argument that the USA is not the world's policeman. "We are coming out of 15 years in the Middle East where we have accomplished very little other than destabilizing the entire region and establishing Iran as a regional superpower. It's up to other countries in the area to deal with their region. Our interest in the Middle East has to do with Islamic terrorism, not the Assad regime."
Trump Readying More Confrontations?
The Factor examined the possibility of additional military action with Sebastian Gorka, a top adviser to President Trump. "There are people in the Pentagon and the National Security Council," Gorka began, "who have gamed out all of the possible scenarios. But unlike the last administration, we are not going to give our plans away in advance. What you've seen in the last 48 hours was President Trump being more decisive than President Obama was in eight years! We are sending a message to nations like Russia, China, and Iran. This is proof that we have a new president and they will have to draw their own conclusions."
Viewers Sound Off
Bruce Marc Albert, Boise, ID: "Prior to Pearl Harbor, the world watched atrocities all over the world. Are we going to sit idle while Iran, Russia, China and North Korea plan our demise?"
Diane Fisk, Los Angeles, CA: "The liberal Democrats who are decrying the Syrian bombing are condoning the use of chemical weapons on babies."
Richard Anka, Toronto, Canada: "Mr. O, you let Lois Lerner off too easy. What she did at the IRS was criminal, and she should have gone to prison."
Three Amigos on Tour
Bill, Dennis, and Jesse Watters will take 'The Spin Stops Here' tour to four cities later this year - Baltimore and Tampa in September, then Las Vegas and Anaheim in December.