The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Factor Rundown
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Talking Points Memo
Truth Serum
Weekdays with Bernie
Watters' World
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Thursday: No Spin Interview with Trump
Trump Talks Rigged Election
With only a dozen days remaining before the election, The Factor welcomed Donald Trump into the No Spin Zone. The Republican nominee began by criticizing the electoral process that he has repeatedly called 'rigged.' "The system is rigged," Trump insisted. "Look at the media and how negative and hostile they are towards me. And the biggest rigging of all is what happened with the Justice Department and Hillary Clinton because she is so guilty in so many different ways. She shouldn't even be allowed to run for president!" Trump also implied that there are problems with the actual voting. "I think things are going on that are not good, just look at what is going on in Texas. People press a button for me and another name comes up named Hillary Clinton. And I've been hearing for years about Philadelphia, St. Louis, Chicago, and lots of other places. There are 1.8-million dead people who are registered to vote and 2.8-million people who are registered in two states!" Trump then cast doubt on the accuracy of the polls that show him losing to Hillary Clinton. "I think we're winning, but some of these polls are absolutely ridiculous. ABC had me down by 12 and now I hear we're down by very little. The only polls I really like are the ones where I'm winning."
Trump Hits ObamaCare
Returning for another segment, Donald Trump turned to the escalating problems with ObamaCare and his proposed solution "People are getting wiped out," he groused, "like in Arizona where there is a 116% rate increase. I think most premiums will go up by a minimum of 40% and people care. I like the concept of health care savings accounts and you must get rid of the boundaries between states so that insurance companies can compete. Premiums will be much lower if there is competition. We will also block grant Medicaid to the states and they're going to take care of the people who cannot take care of themselves. It will work out so much better than this nightmare." Finally, Trump questioned his opponent's health and stamina. "I think she is very low energy, I saw her after the second debate and she could barely make it to the car. This is not what we want to defeat ISIS and negotiate with China and work against Putin."
How the Clinton Charitable Foundation is Being Run
"Hackers have released new information taken from emails stolen from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, that show the Clinton Foundation is run more like a business than a charity. Douglas Band was a top fundraiser for the foundation, but at the same time he was running a company called Teneo and booking speeches for Bill Clinton. Not only did he bring in millions of dollars to the foundation, he set up millions of dollars in speaking fees for Bill Clinton and a hefty income for himself, consulting with folks who donated to the foundation. It is a tangled web - money went to charity, money went to Bill Clinton, money went to Doug Band. In addition, The Factor has studied the 2014 tax return from the Clinton Foundation. It received $338 million in revenue and 64% of that went to charitable purposes. The rest was either saved, spent on administrative expenses or invested. Included in the expenses are lavish salaries for Clinton pals. The CEO received $532,000 in compensation, others also received big paydays. In addition, Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton used private jets to fly on foundation business. That's legal, but rare. To be fair, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are very high-profile people and Secret Service agents are needed. But there is no question the private air travel afforded them an opportunity to do whatever they wanted and go wherever they wanted. That is a huge advantage for a politician planning to run for president. Talking Points believes the Clinton Foundation is a joint venture - business, political and charitable. The Clintons figured out how to accomplish all three things under the foundation banner. It is left to you to decide whether that is ethical. One footnote - I run my own foundation named after my parents. I take nothing from the foundation - no salary, no travel, no expenses. Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton do not take salaries but they certainly have benefitted from money the foundation has received."
Army Bonuses Reverse
As you know, the Pentagon was ordering soldiers to return cash bonuses that had been given out erroneously a decade ago. Now that the Defense Department has rescinded that order, The Factor asked FNC's Eric Shawn to explain. "There was media pressure on Defense Secretary Ash Carter," Shawn said. "The Los Angeles Times broke the story and then you did a major story Monday. The Pentagon was trying to claw back tens of thousands of dollars from veterans, which one member of Congress called a 'bone-headed' idea." Shannon Bream turned to a new WikiLeaks revelation showing that Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman had dinners with a top Justice Department official during the email investigation. "John Podesta is very tight with the Clintons and while the investigation was going on he was having meals with Peter Kadzik, a Justice Department official. They were in law school together and Kadzik wasn't directly involved in the investigation, but this doesn't look good."
Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter?
As always, many celebrities are supporting the Democratic presidential candidate. The Factor asked Bernie Goldberg whether that matters. "Endorsements matter if you're selling sneakers," he said, "but politics is different. The Republican with the most endorsements this primary season was Jeb Bush, while the candidate who didn't have a single endorsement from a senator or governor was Donald Trump. Celebrities like Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus aren't going to convince anybody to vote for Hillary." Goldberg also opined on reports that Trump supporters are frequently targeted by liberals. "If you're a conservative in Hollywood and you come out for Trump, you're going to have a problem. And if you have a Trump yard sign, you're more likely to get a rock thrown through your window. Trump makes liberals crazy, but on the other side some Trump supporters have said that there will be a revolution if he loses."
What Do Kids Know About the Election?
Jesse Watters has frequently discovered that too many adults are woefully ignorant about politics, but what about American tykes? He visited a public school and got these responses from some young 'uns: "I think President Obama did really good" ... "I thought the debates were entertaining, but not very informative" ... "Hillary Clinton is a liar" ... "She would be the best candidate" ... "I am Russian and I agree with a lot of stuff Trump says about Putin" ... "The way he talks about women he is not fit to be president." Watters concluded that the kids he spoke with were better informed than some college students he has interviewed.
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Robert Elder, Warren, OR: "Bill, if I were Trump, I'd never talk to you again after the interview compilation you used. You deliberately picked moments that made him look bad."

Phil Zouave, Morgan Hill, CA: "Nice compilation on Trump. Reminded me of where he stands and why he's running."

Patty Marshall, Saverna Park, MD: "Bill, no candidate afraid of doing a face-to-face interview with you has ever won the presidency."

Claude Fragman, Montreal, Canada: "Bill, if Trump has talked to you more than 40 times, and Clinton has not come in - that is an indication of how they perceive you."
We Should Be Dancing
Hillary Clinton told some radio hosts this week that people should be dancing more and having more fun. If she wins the election, perhaps that will be her first executive order.