More Anti-Trump Hysteria
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 17, 2017
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More picayune criticism directed toward President Trump who told reporters that past presidents, including Barack Obama, did not always call the families of US military people killed in action.  Mr. Trump asserts that he will call the families.
I don't know whether that statement is accurate but the hysteria surrounding it is instructive.  If that's not the case, past presidents should set the record straight.  If Mr. Trump is misinformed, let the evidence flow.
But am I wrong in thinking this is not a big deal?  Condolence letters are sent to all military families that lose loved ones.  It just seems that anything President Trump says can and will be used to diminish him in the court of public opinion.  This is a concentrated strategy on the part of the anti-Trump media.
There are also controversies surrounding the Drug Enforcement Agency, former FBI director James Comey, and Puerto Rico.
We'll talk with Monica Crowley about all of them and we hope you are a Premium Member so you can see The No Spin News in the studio tonight.  
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