O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz: Legends & Lies Episode 8 - President Washington
How many states were necessary to ratify the new Constitution?

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1. What were the farmers who participated in Shays' Rebellion protesting?
2. What is the name of the first U.S. constitution?
3. One of the most important pieces of legislation issued by the Confederation Congress protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories; it was called what?
4. What did the Constitutional Convention meet to discuss in 1787?
5. Who authored the Bill of Rights?
6. How many states were necessary to ratify the new Constitution?
7. Each state has two seats in the Senate and that the House of Representatives is based upon population because of what compromise?
8. What did the Virginia Plan propose?
9. What was the intent of the Federalist Papers?
10. Where did the Whiskey Rebellion take place?