A Very Hot Presidential Debate
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 4, 2015
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In just about 48 hours from now, ten Republican contenders for president will debate each other in prime-time from Cleveland, Ohio. But this debate has one very unusual component - a red hot Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump is averaging more than 23% support in the polls. Next is Jeb Bush at 12.8% Followed by Scott Walker at 10.6 %. All the rest of the contenders are far back.

So the upcoming debate is all about Donald Trump and how he will handle his front-runner status.

It is likely that many will tune in to see the drama. Will Donald Trump go after his competitors or will he become a statesman trying to demonstrate that he has the political finesse to run the country? Talking Points does not know how the debate will play out which makes it exciting.

Now some of you have asked why I am not one of the interrogators. The reason is my role is that of a watchdog. I am now a debater rather than an inquisitor. That does not play in a debate format. There are simply too many people and too many questions to be asked.  If the contender doesn't answer we can expect follow ups but if he still doesn't answer, there's nothing the Fox News moderators can do. It's not like they can call evaders “pinheads” like some people I know.So it's better for me to be like you to watch what happens and then analyze after the fact. Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are all seasoned journalists who will do a fine job.

Summing up, it’s a very important debate for the Republican contenders. All of them with the exception of Donald Trump need to gain recognition among the voters.That will not be easy.

And that's the memo

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