Analyzing the Dueling Border Presentations
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 9, 2019
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First of all, there is a crisis at the southern border.  Millions of people have illegally crossed into America over the years, and millions of tons of hard drugs arrived here by being hauled across the border.  A new Politico Poll says most Americans believe the border is a problem but many in the national media continues to deny that.
Add to the situation the organized attempt to collapse America’s asylum system by moving thousands of migrants to the border and the crisis is apparent.  This is not a manufactured issue, it is not “immoral” to support a wall which would make illegal entry more difficult, and a wall is not “racist.”
What I just stated is the truth.  Folks who dispute the truth are hurting the country.
Last night, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Charles Schumer, leaders of congressional democrats, avoided the truth.  They spent their time scolding President Trump for bringing the border problem to a head by shutting down the federal apparatus.
Fine.  But it is clear that the democrats have no solutions to the intense border situation.  The chaos down there has been going on for more than three decades and both parties have allowed it.  Now the breaking point is here.
I believe most Americans want border security and would support a wall.  But the relentless media opposition to the wall blunts the voices of the folks.  Democrats know the press is providing them cover and seek to oppose Mr. Trump hoping to embarrass him.
It’s all about politics not public safety.  
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll continue our analysis of this vital issue in a fair and fact-based way.  See you beginning at 7 eastern time.